
上架日期:2018-12-25 09:58:05
    和那杯dry martine,都深深地迷住了我。
    供应a-b、施耐德、福克斯波罗、西屋、abb、,伊顿,力士乐,kukaebm,wistro ,mdexx ,施乐百等品牌风机,公司新增品牌等知名进口品牌备件

    qq:3030518837电话18030206772腾讯体育9月29日讯 2018-19赛季nba季前赛开打,76人以104比84大胜墨尔本联队。“大帝”乔尔-恩比德得到20分13篮板2盖帽,本-西蒙斯得到8分14助攻8篮板,马克尔-富尔茨得到14分4助攻2篮板。墨尔本联队这边,亚力克斯-普勒吉尔得到19分11篮板,克里斯-古尔丁受伤离场,得到14分4篮板。a63-30    220v

    1747-l552    18面价

    开度仪  ecn30pl-20a1a-xnnn   2台
    cr-m2ss  底座

    a06b-1401-b105           1
    a06b-6141-h002#h580?d   1
    lm-32(大3.2a             2
    a02b-0120-k305           1
    a06b-0075-b006           1
    a02b-0309-g001           1
    a06b-6110-h026?e        1
    kio-fictb-02b02t/01      1
    a06b-6164-h201#h580?a   1
    bq5-032                  1
    a06b-1444-b200           1
    a06b-6114-h208?f        1
    a06b-6111-h022#h550?d   1
    a06b-1446-b200#0109      1
    305-1ba80-0aa0      1
    952-1ap00-0aa0      1
    电源    ten 10-2411  输入18-36vdc  输出5vdc 2000ma     2个
    消防管理机  eq3016pnnw    1个


    138-4ca50-0ab0   2个
    138-4fa04-0ab0    2个
    3rt2015-1bb42 dc24v,数量5个套


    6dd1606-0ad1   1个

    输出模块ic693mdl940   ge         2
    防雷击电涌保护器 val-ms 500型 ,单相     菲尼克斯     6
    隔离配电器 kfd2-stc4-1.2o   倍加福        6
    旋转编码器 pvm 58n-011agr0bn-1213    倍加福     3
    光电管接收器 sm30srlqdc 27563    邦纳       5
    流量计 optiflux2100(200)11321-0223-10b-   krohne   1
    位移传感器 rhm1620mp101s1b6100    mts      1
    风扇 w4d400-dp12-40 (5p3a4547p001)    tmeic     1
    过滤网 hb-20 t5_135    tmeic          2
    过滤网 hb-20 t5_305   tmeic               1
    电源 lda30f-24-xtic   日本cosel           1
    电源 lea100f-24-xtic    日本cosel       1
    液位计 ns10/25-am-k10-sk166/1000    德国buehler    1
    流量检测开关 dw182/a/c/c056 f/a/1/0/1   克罗尼     2
    编码器 hs35a-41swu0ga67c20    美国avtron       1
    编码器 hs35a-010k1swu0ga67c20    美国avtron     1
    风扇 afb1224ehe-g819    台达      2
    激光传感器 dilas ft1507    法国delta     1
    快熔 6.9 urd 31 tt f 0450    ferraz     1
    熔断器 170m4417     bussmann     1
    熔断器 170m8610   bussmann      1
    温度传感器 ets388-5-100-000 tfp100 s.s    hydac    1
    温度控制器 ets1701-100-y00 tfp104   hydac    1
    电子压力开关 eds3448-5-0400-000 zbe06   hydac    1
    控制总线接口卡 csl//vf701    yokogawa    1
    esb bus 主控接口卡件 sb401-10   yokogawa    1
    cpu电池组 s9400uk   yokogawa     2
    t型连接器 csl//ycb146    yokogawa     2
    测振探头  ir ccn:22696835    英格索兰    1
    露点仪 dmt142c3 -80~ 20 4~20ma    vaisala      1
    转速传感器 ncb5-18gm40-n0-v1   倍加福    1
    ph变送器 sharktx   aquametrix      1
    ph传感器 p60c8    aquametrix      1
    雷达料位计 ps68.xxefe5hamxv    vega     1
    输入模块ic693mdl645    ge      2
    变送器 dt-1a-a1a dc24v 5a/4~20ma    samsung    1
    风扇 w4d400-dp12-40 (5p3a4547p001)    德国ebm-papst   2
    电源箱ap-2403-04    sanya     2
    光电传感器 g12/gv12/36/40b/92    倍加福  10
    光电传感器 obs4000-18gm60-e4-v1    倍加福    15

    sgmg-13asacb   1
    电动机智能监控器   sock-djck2f5-50     10个                                       电动机智能监控器   sock-djck2f10-100   10个                                                  软启动器              sockr-5-160/3       1台

    e82ev551k2c 2
    e82ev152k2c? 1
    20ac015a0aynannn  1

    6sl3351-1ag38-1da1          1

    ref615k  1个人
    1756-l55   数量1

    6ra7075-6dv62-0-z.k01 g94
    1394c-am03  找不到面价  1
    m32-6-m-b35d-1-4-d  1
    fsp300-60 glc   2
    fx1s-20mt-001  1
    mif375-gs  2
    6sl3120-2te15-0aa4  1
    6sl3120-1te23-0aa4  1
    20-him-a3  4

    q80bd-j71lp21-25   1个





    1756-a4          面价3849   数量2  (18年表)
    1756-en2tr     面价 34164    数量2    (18年表)
    1756-l73           面价125775   数量2     (18年表)
    1756-rm2         面价54639     数量2       (18年表)
    1756-rmc1       面价1848       数量1(18年表)
    1756-a10            面价7160     数量1(18年表)
    1756-if16             面价17784    数量1(18年表)
    1756-pbr2           面价32409   数量1(18年表)
    1756-tbch           面价978     数量4(18年表)
    1756-tbnh           面价787     数量1(18年表)
    2711p-t15c21d8s          面价36621     数量1(18年表)
    1783-bms12t4e2cgl     面价32526     数量1(18年表)
    plx32-eip-mbtcp            无面价     数量1
    mvi56e-mnet     无面价    数量1
    1756-of8        7-12号报价5850
    1756-en2tr    7-19号报价8541
    1756-n2         8-17号报价81
    1756-ob32     7-12号报价1950
    1756-ib32      7-26报价1383
    1756-a4        7-19号报价962

    fx3u-64mr/es-a 1 gx developer ver8.25b 版本以上
    fx2n-48er-es/ul 2
    fx2n-16ex-es/ul 1
    fx3u-232adp-mb 1
    fx3u-485-bd   1
    ukps-dc08  数量1

    霍尼韦尔      xcl5010 数量1
    1)schneider im-400数量:2个

    2)schneider sepam b80数量:1个

    3)schneider sepam m81数量:1个
    kawi 1705  数量64

    6gk1561-1aa01   1
    6es7972-0bb52-0xa0   3

    3nc352.6   1个

    mv169-mcm          1

    直流调速装置 1p6ra7025-6dv62-0  1台询价

    atlas copco 5108

    atlas copco 1089942001



    atlas copco 2b00s032s

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    ltv27 s004-10

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    atlas copco  2906009600

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    atlas copco 1614700700

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    atlas copco 0663215300

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    atlas copco 1202582400

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    atlas copco 202695400

    atlas copco 22506640

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    kit-1007 nspp kit1007

    atlas copco 4220093002

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    atlas copco l071310200

    atlas copco 2910303800

    atlas copco 9032011843

    atlas copco  4240035550

    atlas copco 9032011840


    atlas copco 2910-5043-00


    atlas copco 4222-0192-03
    atlas-copco 4210-1842-90

    atlas copco 4243-0070-15

    atlas copco 1091-0338-81

    atlas copco 9712-5401-04

    atlas copco 9721-0338-00

    atlas copco 9810-7050-04

    atlas copco 1089-9579-01

    atlas copco 9710-0904

    atlas copco 0574-9841-05

    atlas copco col102

    atlas copco  1089057541

    atlas copco 210-20811-00

    atlas copco 2910-0160-00

    atlas copco 1503-0189-00

    atlas copco 9040090012

    atlas copco 0579-8236-20
    atlas copco 4220 1173 00
    atlas copco 1619524200
    atlas copco 4220 1135 80

    atlas copco 4240-5205-00

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    atlas copco  4250 1175 00

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    atlas copco 904010
    atlas copco 1613740800
    atlas copco 4211 5426 82

    atlas copco 230100007
    atlas copco 1621-3136-00
    atlas copco 2900-1017-00
    atlas-copco 4130 1844 80
    atlas copco 2910-5007-00
    atlas copco 2250-5629-00
    atlas copco 1310-0154-00
    atlas copco 2900-1017-00
    atlas copco 1089-0347-01

    atlas copco 1202-6139-00

    atlas copco 1614-8605-00

    atlas copco 230100040

    atlas copco 2901-0203-00

    atlas-copco 4230-0653-80

    atlas copco 3115 1648 00

    atlas copco 2250-8183-00

    atlas copco 1310250762

    atlas copco 2252-0849-00

    atlas copco 4220 0997 90
    atlas copco 0574-8234-09
    atlas copco 230100025

    atlas copco 2900-0573-00

    atlas copco 29890010

    atlas copco 4080 0990 95

    atlas-copco 4090-0762

    lot atlas copco 2910505200

    atlas copco 4250-2445-90

    atlas copco 1091-0211-00

    atlas copco 2250-8181-00

    atlas copco 21012-0827-00

    atlas copco 1030-0882-00

    atlas copco 2901006800

    atlas copco 0574-8231-21
    atlas copco 0690930037-81

    atlas copco 4210031690

    atlas copco 4081-0107-90

    atlas copco 0574-8231-26

    atlas copco 9040100105-25
    atlas copco 0663-3135-00

    atlas copco 0690930037-81

    atlas copco 230101005


    atlas copco  k258953-01
    atlas copco  k259558
    atlas copco  k262010

    atlas copco  2102-s7-115r

    atlas copco  cp482rtg-10

    atlas copco 442400txd4b

    atlas copco  pf3109-g-hw

    atlas copco  lum21hr07


    atlas copco qmv50-15rt

    atlas copco  evs7-100



    atlas copco k260482

    atlas copco  k256869b

    atlas copco  303-027





    atlas copco 423012-0




    atlas copco 4230-2195-10

    atlas copco 42301220

    atlas copco 4231501200


    atlas copco 8433053520


    atlas copco 4230170580



    atlas copco 4240-0702-00







    atlas copco 4220-1090-97

    atlas copco pf3109-c-hw

    atlas copco 4240 0151 00

    atlas copco 9032011846-0002 4240 0355 80

    atlas copco k259937

    atlas copco 9032011846-0001


    atlas copco 4220087590

    atlas copco k258935





    atlas copco 4230170580



    atlas copco 4240 0702 00

    atlas copco 422036702



    26.44.14 atlas copco

    atlas copco 9040120203


    atlas copco k259698

    atlas copco 4240-0312-80

    atlas copco k258957
    atlas copco dmc30515


    atlas copco 4240-5002-01

    atlas copco k258955


    atlas copco 4230170580
    atlas copco 4240041081


    atlas copco 4240500201

    atlas copco 4230161781

    atlas copco 4240030780
    atlas copco 4240031180
    atlas copco 4230119380

    atlas copco k256959

    atlas copco 4230161780

    fanuc 10.4" 7-wire touchscreen glass
    fanuc 50-wire/core cable
    fanuc a02b-0118-c040
    fanuc a02b-0120-c170 a02b-1005-0111 board
    fanuc a02b-0236-c191 a02b0236c191
    fanuc a02b-0236-k851 optical fiber 0.15m
    fanuc a02b-0280-b502
    fanuc a02b-0303-c128
    fanuc a02b-0309-d515/t
    fanuc a02b-0309-k710#m membrane keysheet keypad
    fanuc a02b-3900-0170
    fanuc a05b-2301-c311 teach pendant
    fanuc a06b-0032-b077 #8000 servo motor
    fanuc a06b-0075-b003
    fanuc a06b-0114-b203 in box,  worldwide
    fanuc a06b-6089-h203 servo drive
    fanuc a06b-6093-h102
    fanuc a06b-6117-h005 in old box
    fanuc a06b-6117-h106 in box
    fanuc a06b-6130-h401
    fanuc a16b-1200-0630
    fanuc a16b-1212-0100 electric power supply module
    fanuc a16b-1212-0100-01
    fanuc a16b-1212-0211/05b
    fanuc a16b-1212-0251/03a
    fanuc a16b-2001-0890
    fanuc a16b-2200-039
    fanuc a16b-2200-0391
    fanuc a16b-2201-0110
    fanuc a16b-2202-0540
    fanuc a16b-2202-0750
    fanuc a16b-2202-0752
    fanuc a16b-2202-0753
    fanuc a16b-2203-0020
    fanuc a16b-2203-011
    fanuc a16b-2203-0111
    fanuc a16b-2203-0210
    fanuc a16b-2203-088 a16b-2203-0881/02a
    fanuc a16b-3200-0071
    fanuc a16b-3200-0500
    fanuc a20b-0010-0100
    fanuc a20b-1002-0370/03a
    fanuc a20b-1004-016 with mr-a112
    fanuc a20b-1004-0260
    fanuc a20b-1005-0111
    fanuc a20b-2000-0175 master board
    fanuc a20b-2001-0931
    fanuc a20b-2002-0300/02a
    fanuc a20b-2002-0641
    fanuc a20b-2002-0651
    fanuc a20b-2100-0132
    fanuc a20b-2101-0022
    fanuc a20b-2101-0390
    fanuc a20b-2101-0392
    fanuc a20b-2101-0711
    fanuc a20b-2900-0531
    fanuc a20b-2901-0810
    fanuc a20b-2901-0810
    fanuc a20b-2902-039
    fanuc a20b-2902-0411
    fanuc a20b-2902-0672
    fanuc a20b-3300-0222
    fanuc a20b-3300-0313
    fanuc a20b-3300-0319
    fanuc a20b-3300-0341/05a in bag
    fanuc a20b-3300-0363/03a in bag
    fanuc a20b-3300-0410
    fanuc a20b-3900-0170
    fanuc a20b-3900-0242
    fanuc a20b-8100-0460
    fanuc a20b-8100-0721
    fanuc a20b-8101-0285
    fanuc a20b-8101-0430
    fanuc a20b-8101-0430/05c in bag
    fanuc a20b-8200-0570
    fanuc a66l-6001-0023#l150ro optical fiber 0.15m freship
    fanuc a860-0203-t001 pulse generator nib
    fanuc a860-0364-x004 encoder
    fanuc a860-0365-v501 pulse coder
    fanuc a860-0370-v502 pulse coder
    fanuc a860-2000-t301 pulse coder
    fanuc a860-2005-t301 pulse coder
    fanuc a860-2109-t302
    fanuc a86l-0001-0341 n860-3769-t011/20 02a
    fanuc ac servo motor a06b-0061-b503
    fanuc ac servo motor a06b-0114-b275 #0008
    fanuc ac servo motor a06b-0116-b503
    fanuc ac servo motor a06b-0313-b069 encoder a2900-0561-v569
    fanuc ae1/3000 a06b-0101-b060 servo motor
    fanuc card holder a66l-2050-0010#a
    fanuc card holder a66l-2050-0010#b
    fanuc card holder a66l-2050-0025#b
    fanuc ccb a20b-8101-0550/02a 99%
    fanuc cnc oi membrane keysheet keypad
    fanuc cnc oi membrane keysheet keypad #2
    fanuc encoder cable a06b-6078-k811
    fanuc f112 a290-8092-x705
    fanuc fa8191
    fanuc feedback cable a660-2005-t506
    fanuc i/o board a20b-8002-0020
    fanuc ic200cpue05-ab
    fanuc ic200cpue05-cf
    fanuc ic5002sax0000 display panel
    fanuc ic670pb1001 field control bus interface unit
    fanuc ic693apu301p axis position module 1 axis package box opened
    fanuc ic693mdl655g 24 vdc 32 pt input
    fanuc keypad a02b-0281-c125#mbr
    fanuc keypad a02b-0319-c126#m
    fanuc keypad keysheet oi-mc control a98l-0005-0298/m
    fanuc membrane keypad 12 key a86l-0001-0301 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 12 key a86l-0001-0301 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 12 key a98l-0005-0255 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 12 key a98l-0005-0255 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 7 key a86l-0001-0298 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 7 key a98l-0001-0252 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 7 key a98l-0001-0252 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 7 key a98l-0001-0629 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 7 key a98l-0001-0629 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 7 key a98l-0005-0252 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad 7 key a98l-0005-0252 cable
    fanuc membrane keypad a86l-0001-0294
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad 12 key a98l-0005-0255
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad 7 key a98l-0001-0629
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad 7 key a98l-0001-0629
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0518#m 02 ping worldwide
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0518#m ping worldwide
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0518#m02
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    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0518#tr02
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0519
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0524#j
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0524#j style #2
    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0524#t
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    fanuc membrane keysheet keypad a98l-0001-0568#m
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    fanuc membrane operator keypad a98l-0001-0524t  worldwide
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    fanuc membrane operator keypad oi-tc a98l-0005-0298/m
    fanuc membrane operator keypad oi-tc a98l-0005-0298/t #1
    fanuc membrane operator keypad oi-tc a98l-0005-0298/t #2
    fanuc mitsubishi rs232 cable 5m
    fanuc motor a06b-0141-b077
    fanuc pulse coder a860-0360-v501
    fanuc pulse coder a860-0365-t101 fanuc encoder
    fanuc pulse generator cable a02b-0120-k847 1m long
    fanuc pulse generator cable a02b-0120-k847 1m long
    fanuc pulse generator cable a02b-0120-k847 3m long
    fanuc pulsecoder a860-0370-t001
    fanuc servo driver connector a06b-6079-k815 cable clamp
    fanuc servo driver fan a06b-6134-k003
    fanuc servo motor cable a660-2005-t505 7m long
    fanuc servo motor cable a660-2005-t505#l 7m
    fanuc servo motor cable a660-2005-t505#l 7m 90 deg bend connector
    fanuc teach pendant a50b-2301-0301
    fanuc vs40/vs50/vs60 membrane keypad hitachi 9100-92-130-10
    fanuc vs40/vs50/vs60 membrane keypad hitachi 9100-92-130-10
    fanuc vs40/vs50/vs60 membrane keypad hitachi 9100-92-130-10 #2
    fanuc vs40/vs50/vs60 membrane keypad hitachi 9100-92-130-10 #2
    foxboro  2ac st. c single control card module plc board db n0310wj 47618
    foxboro  2ap signal processing processor module card holder plc 27754
    foxboro  3a2-i2d st. a ma/d converter board module plc card 47643
    foxboro  3c8-d2cs d/sws converter board process control module plc card 47637
    foxboro  863dp-m1d1ss-m d/p cell inbligent transmitter
    foxboro  air control relay c0136xr kit-m/40d
    foxboro  alarm m/63r-ob-h style b 118v 50madc type 2
    foxboro  alarm n152kb m/63r-ob-h style b 118v 50madc
    foxboro  b0140pk 827 dp cell sensor pressure switch diaphragm ss316l 44025
    foxboro  b102rn type 20 volume booster pneumatic air 1/4npt 11 250psi 40566
    foxboro  c0131ul co131ul pen motor drive unit 46637
    foxboro  c0134fb co134fb derivative unit assembly for proportional plus 46655
    foxboro  c123ba pressure unit bellows for model 52a pressure controller 46648
    foxboro  co132ea c0132ea reset unit right hand 40 pressure recorder 52555
    foxboro  company p0170pl i/a ser series plc pc power cable revision d 57527
    foxboro  company p0902bl revision rev b i/a plc series terminator kit 57523
    foxboro  company plc p0500ux cable peripheral scsi rev revision g 57528
    foxboro  dpx power supply a2047ve-h-4
    foxboro  hub holder m0103aa
    foxboro  humitex charts 808427 approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 808743l approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 818003 approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 898445-a approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  i/a series 8' video cable assembly p0971fb
    foxboro  im2-24h telechron motor movement 539m1262 chart drive 100-130v 50165
    foxboro  k0143dx-b adapter copy card eerom module circuit board 53172
    foxboro  lo121cd isolation manifold stainless cf8m open close 46646
    foxboro  m106aa pen movement assembly 1 pen/set for pressure controller 52551
    foxboro  m121at 4 pen movement part for model 40 recorder 46656
    foxboro  mr-s panel mounted gauge 3-15 psi 4.5 face
    foxboro  n0206me no206me pen movement 2pen for chart recorder 46636
    foxboro  p0121xf calibration adaptor cable for flow meter transmitter 46640
    foxboro  p0170pl i/a series power cable cord rev.c 6ft 57529
    foxboro  p0800dc isolator cable terminal plug termination rev m 47371
    foxboro  p0800hw i/a series crt input power cable 72in length 46563
    foxboro  p0900jg carrier lan drop cable assembly 50 ft feet 46679
    foxboro  p0916de cable assembly s9
    foxboro  p0921cf a fieldbus cable connector wire 10ft feet 47745
    foxboro  p103re m/40 dual gauge indicator assembly 52346
    foxboro  pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-15psi for indicating 46579
    foxboro  pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element raised 0-15psi for 46580
    foxboro  pen lift assembly m0100a6  of 2
    foxboro  pepperl fuchs p0916db dinfbm termination cable connnector wire 47746
    foxboro  ps290aa remote preamp 222f sensor 57469
    foxboro  remote preamp ps290aa sensor 222f
    foxboro  rosenberger p0972kw fiber optic cable b87
    foxboro  w105pr pressure element receiver type for pressure controller 46657
    foxboro /ict sensor 1124-10g-a44-a 150psig
    foxboro /ict sensor 1124-17s-a54-a 0-3000 psis 4-20ma
    foxboro b123hf pressure regulator
    foxboro electrochemical analyzer 873cc-atwcnz
    foxboro 899402 humitex chart recorder paper j-14 53544
    foxboro c103ah proportional bellows element for model 40 52564
    foxboro assorted single pen movement assembly controller/recorder 52557
    foxboro graphic control recording charts 01055557
    foxboro b1271mu mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52561
    foxboro b1271mu mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52559
    foxboro 17901 mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52562
    foxboro 24hr chart drive 120v ac 60hz 24hrs 40570
    foxboro analog idp10-a22b21f and more
    foxboro e96 50137 triplett 52-6064 panel meter 0-100 520-f 0-1dc ma
    foxboro air filter 1 rears psi guage 1  1 regulator with hoses brass fittings
    foxboro controller 1385 pneumatic
    foxboro / ict pressure transducers 6 pin
    foxboro fbm 4 ai aio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51827
    foxboro pneumatic pressure transmitter
    foxboro 47225 46 graphic controls mixed penarm chart recorder 39 76 51 bailey
    foxboro p0170 assorted power cord 6ft/2ft length i/a ser series 57349
    foxboro 50 pack of parker rubber o-rings model n0674-70-3-906
    foxboro gandalf tridelta wave reflection device 56562 8 assorted allen bradley
    foxboro mixed magnetic flow transmitter aluminum enclosure cover plate 57862
    foxboro - humitex charts - 700 charts - #898382 -
    foxboro / telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 52427
    foxboro 0-100 gauge model# 65fs-3hg
    foxboro 0-100 psi pressure receiver element
    foxboro 0-1000lbs per sq in pressure gauge 5-1/2in dial 1/4npt lower mount 58126
    foxboro 0-150 psi pressure element  f4
    foxboro 101-4 chart recorder rack
    foxboro 10-165f temperature transmitter w/ helical pressure element 52424
    foxboro 1124-16s-c94-a1 112416sc94a1 sensor 12 to 30 vdc
    foxboro 11u113as
    foxboro 130 fd-n control station
    foxboro 13a d/p cell transmitter instruction book manual 2556 cg949
    foxboro 13a pressure transmitter 316ss 0-100in h2o stainless steel 1500psi 50069
    foxboro 13a pressure transmitter 316ss 0-50in h2o stainless steel 1500psi 50070
    foxboro 13f series liquid level transmitters instruction book 1587 cg950
    foxboro 13fa 240 pneumatic liquid level transmitter 4 bolt flange 3in 40547
    foxboro 13fa liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless grey 4bolt flanged 47916
    foxboro 13fa1-hk31a5 liquid level transmitter 3-15psi 0-850in h20 4 bolt 41973
    foxboro 13fa-ms 31 a5 liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless 12 bolt 45938
    foxboro 14a flow integrator
    foxboro 15 capillary model 45 0-1000 psi pressure controller cg903
    foxboro 16a-bd speed transmitter
    foxboro 20 metre cell variable pathlength
    foxboro 210s-1 spec 200 basic indicator standard 1 pointer 47622
    foxboro 22703 reference cavity refill kit 22703
    foxboro 230sm
    foxboro 24 hour hrs chart drive 110v ac power 52343
    foxboro 24hrs chart drive 120v ac 1 day per rev 55413
    foxboro 2800 magnetic flowtube 1/2in 280h-sbba-tpa-g 250psi 120v m/2800
    foxboro 2800 magnetic flowtube 1/2in 280h-sbba-tpa-g 250psi 120v m/2800 17299
    foxboro 2801-saba-th 1 flow tube
    foxboro 2803-saba-ts 3 316 ss magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2803-saba-tsg-g- 3 magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2804-saba-tsa-g 4  magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2ai-a2v2 analog av controller in box
    foxboro 2ai-i3v spec 200 series i/a converter input module card 49757
    foxboro 2ak-40 st b connector
    foxboro 2ak-f006 30 pin screwdown special cable connector 53416
    foxboro 2as246
    foxboro 2at-cal spec 200 series system calibrator 118/220/238 ac input 46913
    foxboro 2ax a4 control plug in module board style d 43961
    foxboro 2ax a4 st. d control plug-in module plc board 48337
    foxboro 2ax dio module signal distribution terminal.  old stock
    foxboro 2ax dio st 7 module signal distribution 2axdio
    foxboro 2ax dp10 st c power distribution 2axdp10
    foxboro 2ax dp10-e cbc st d module signal power distribution 48100
    foxboro 2ax dp10-e st c module signal power distribution 48101
    foxboro 2ax dsp st. d signal distribution module plc board 48326
    foxboro 2ax p 2ao-v2i st. b pcb converter current voltage basic board plc 48323
    foxboro 2ax-dp10-e power distribution module card
    foxboro 3 c100er
    foxboro 30 psi 6-1/2 panel mount gauge
    foxboro 33186 - 1 100mm roll chart  of 3 nib
    foxboro 39465 iil air switch set nib
    foxboro 40pr-fre1f electronic servo element receiver chart recorder 120v tester
    foxboro 40x pb-cc pneumatic pressure element 3-15psi 56017
    foxboro 44bp pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-20in h2o 3-15psi 43899
    foxboro 44bp pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-20in h2o 3-15psi 53162
    foxboro 500m-a0035k 500m monitor
    foxboro 530006-5
    foxboro 53001-6tx4.5a charts  of 13 nib
    foxboro 56-6-33 proportional band for indicating controller 52418
    foxboro 58p2 proportional band controller moore 524ft2 pressure 3-15psi 50194
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band controller moore 524ft2 pressure control 50195
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band for indicating controller 52417
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band for indicating controller with cover 52421
    foxboro 58p4wc proportional band for indicating controller 52420
    foxboro 62h-5e-oj loop controller
    foxboro 63r series electronic consultrol alarm unit
    foxboro 65fs-edjb-c field mounted indicating pressure gauge 0-55psi 53885
    foxboro 67f r283
    foxboro 7 day chart drive 110v ac power 52342
    foxboro 7 day chart drive 115v ac power 52341
    foxboro 73-01-380 diaphragm liquid transmitter extension 6 in 13fea 6-1/4 40427
    foxboro 762csa single station micro controller nib
    foxboro 8003a-wcr-pjgf6z-a 8000a series magnetic flowtube 98211418 flow control
    foxboro 808800 humitex charts  of 700 nib
    foxboro 821al-is1sh2 electronic transmitter
    foxboro 821gh-hssm2-m electronic tranmsitter.
    foxboro 821gm-d inbligent pressure transmitter d1
    foxboro 821gm-is1nh2 electronic pressure transmitter 150psi range 600psi 60209
    foxboro 821gm-is1sh2-am electronic transmitter 4ma20ma range 12.5-65v dc 48238
    foxboro 823dp-h & 823dp-i electronic d/p cell transmitter instruction cg951
    foxboro 823dp-i3s1nh2 electric transmitter parts only
    foxboro 823ep-1h4sc6ke electronic transmitter
    foxboro 827df-is/smsa1 electric transmitter
    foxboro 83w-d03s1krtnj vortex flow meter
    foxboro 841gm-bi differential pressure transmitter 100psi 58810
    foxboro 841gm-bi1 electronic pressure transmitter 4-20ma 0-50psi 36v dc 52453
    foxboro 870ph-70-n-a electronic transmitter d4 788
    foxboro 871ph-1x1a-a ph/orp holder sensor 48338
    foxboro 872-20ams-48 electrochemical monitor  e2
    foxboro 873aph-aipfgz electrochemical analyzer control
    foxboro 873ph-aipfgz 873 ph/orp analyzer 120v ac power 0-14ph 100ohm rtd 55492
    foxboro 873ph-aipfgz electrochemical analyzer control
    foxboro 893ra-qfls003 temperature transmitter 0-200f 30v 4-20ma 4-1/2in 54384
    foxboro 896 magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57861
    foxboro 910-ed2 conductivity cell
    foxboro a2020la-fd preamplifier
    foxboro a-90612 conversion kit for type 24mb cam switch assembly 46630
    foxboro adjustable restrictor fox 76600 umhc-7 cg916
    foxboro air switch dual 4 port 2 way load off lift brass 1/4 npt ports 44006
    foxboro airdron regulator 20 b0102ny 250 psi
    foxboro ak237aa rev 0d 80mb housing w/o drive i/a series plc card 55430
    foxboro analytical 009-5097 relectance spectroscopy
    foxboro assorted panel meters 800kw 12000gpm 0-5feet 0-100 4x4-1/2in 46758
    foxboro b0140pg bo140pg pressure switch diaphragm steel 316l 827 sensor 44026
    foxboro b101sw
    foxboro b102ny 20 pneumatic pressure airdron regulator 250psi upstream 53430
    foxboro b110zm
    foxboro b110zm fixed pressure regulator
    foxboro b2a8246
    foxboro b6302ff
    foxboro b6302k2
    foxboro back plate assembly co124cf
    foxboro bellows c-123 ba
    foxboro bellows c123-ba
    foxboro bo123hd pneumatic pressure regulator 20psi output 150psi input 53432
    foxboro bo123he pneumatic pressure regulator 250psi input 0.5-60psi output 53415
    foxboro bo138ra b0138ra pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46547
    foxboro bo139ey b0139ey pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46545
    foxboro booster type 20 250 psi b102rn
    foxboro c0149fe co149fe pressure element bellows for model 40 p/i 52553
    foxboro c1002
    foxboro c124en bellows assembly pressure element for pressure controller 46645
    foxboro cable for 51b series terminals p0971pd rs232
    foxboro capillary system w/ helical bourden 5000 psi type aa5 cg901
    foxboro cft10 mass flow transmitter
    foxboro chart drive m132na
    foxboro chart drive synchron 110v 60cy 7 day m132rf
    foxboro chart paper fx-898413
    foxboro chart recorder drive model e20s-h2rb6
    foxboro circular chart 0-40 24h 100/box 898491
    foxboro circular chart recorder graphing paper
    foxboro circular chart recorder model 740ra-a3000-an
    foxboro circular recording charts 858050 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898445 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898452 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898467 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898481 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898494 chart recorder 100
    foxboro cm902wl power module model aa16560
    foxboro cm902wl power supply module i/a series 100-240v ac input 39v dc 57046
    foxboro co-124 et
    foxboro co1301l
    foxboro co149ez c0149ez pressure element bellows for model 40 p/i 52552
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57600
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57602
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57605
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57606
    foxboro company plc p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s revision e 57577
    foxboro company plc p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s revision e 57578
    foxboro company plc p0400dl rev c i/a series y-adapter module 2-s 58814
    foxboro company rev revision c p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-ss 57601
    foxboro consotrol 131m-n2 pneumatic indicating controller 3-15psi 0-8 rang 53446
    foxboro consotrol controller recorder 52a-sm4f
    foxboro consotrol roll chart 5 rolls 53229-t  in box
    foxboro control rod 359240
    foxboro conversion kit 40119yu
    foxboro cord term bwer p.o 81032 cg970 fox boro
    foxboro cover for nhs transmitter #1 acid cg925
    foxboro current air postioner model e69p-bi1-rs 0-35 psi 4-20 ma
    foxboro current converter 2a0-v31
    foxboro current to air converter e69f-t12-j
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-bh2-s
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-th3-s
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-th8-s
    foxboro d/p cell intelligent transmitter 863dp-m2d1ns-m
    foxboro d0105nx rotameter bubble tube indicator 0.2-30scfh gas 0.1-5gph 56064
    foxboro d127sr h4
    foxboro data recorder ? model 123 re
    foxboro diaphragm seal flange fox 83600 type ad cg911
    foxboro dm500sc i/a series terminal termination term assembly wire cable 46621
    foxboro do135py d0135py pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46544
    foxboro do143vt d0143vt pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46546
    foxboro doorfaceplate 47986
    foxboro dp cell parts n999f
    foxboro dte-peripheral cable assy. 20 ft rev. b p0970xe
    foxboro dte-peripheral cable assy. 40 ft rev. c p0970wx
    foxboro e11gm electronic pressure transmitter 316ss 350psi 4-20ma 40769
    foxboro e13dm electronic transmitter
    foxboro e20s-h2fb6 consotrol electronic chart recorder drive 125v 23va 47266
    foxboro e69f-bi2-s current to air pressure converter i/p 4-20ma 3-15psi 53879
    foxboro e69f-ti2-rs current to air pressure converter i/p 4-20ma in 3-15psi out
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57858
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57859
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57860
    foxboro e92-rfg2h p/i converter
    foxboro e94 temperature transmitter sensor platinum various pressure ranges
    foxboro eckardt transmitter ag type 51 bem 585
    foxboro electromagnetic signal converter part # n0138kr
    foxboro electronic transmitter model e11gm span 10-80 psi supply 13-50
    foxboro electronic transmitter model e13dm 65-100 vdc nom. mwp 2000 psi
    foxboro electronic transmitter model# e11gm
    foxboro electronic transmitter with sensor
    foxboro emf converter model 693ar-oa su volts 118 cps 60 watts 20
    foxboro f-100-za 4-way 2 position brass consotrol air valve assembly 1/4in 55275
    foxboro fbm 1 termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51830
    foxboro fbm 1015 dio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 120v ac 51832
    foxboro fbm 4 ai aio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51826
    foxboro fbm 4/39/44 ai ao it ao termination cable assembly fieldbus module 51828
    foxboro fbm 6 pi ao termination cable assembly fieldbus module 51831
    foxboro flowmeter flow meter water hydraulic 1/4npt 5gph h2o h20 meter
    foxboro frequency to current converter model fr-316c-2 voltage 115 power 25v
    foxboro galvo motor mod# dol247y
    foxboro gauge 0-30
    foxboro gauge 3-15 psi
    foxboro gauge c1170
    foxboro gauge c1172
    foxboro i/a p0800da 10 ft fieldbus block cable p0800 da
    foxboro i/a p0800dg extension cable 3 ft p0800 dg
    foxboro i/a ser conversion kit f/ d-size module p0971ql
    foxboro i/a ser series p0400dl plc y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57579
    foxboro i/a ser series p0400dl plc y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57580
    foxboro ideal ansi4-150 ts87-f0105hd rev g pressure transmitter diaphragm 53873
    foxboro im2-12h telechron motor movement chart recorder drive 100v-130v 52426
    foxboro im2-24h telechron motor movement 130vac chart drive 24 hr 2w 40574
    foxboro im2-7d telechron motor movement chart recorder drive 100-125v ac 50167
    foxboro inbligent pressure transmitter 861gm-dd1-a 0-100% 4-20ma 0-250psi
    foxboro intelligent transmitter 821gm-dk1nm1-m ref 95312027
    foxboro intelligent transmitter model 821gm-ds1sh2-am ref 94511455
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev a y adapter module s plc 58407
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev a y adapter module s plc 58922
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev c y adapter module 2 s plc 58815
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev c y adapter module s plc 58406
    foxboro invensys p0400ve rev. e i/a series fieldbus isolator module board 47220
    foxboro ip2275
    foxboro jordan la-2810 actuator
    foxboro l0119ru-9 board
    foxboro lan drop cable assy. 100 ft rev. d p0900jh
    foxboro liquid level transmitter 13r-hs31a5
    foxboro m 13fa liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless 4 bolt flanged 45939
    foxboro m/ iigm-bs2-rel pressure transmitter 200psi 350psi air pneumatic 51279
    foxboro m/11gm pressure transmitter
    foxboro m/11gm pressure transmitter
    foxboro m/40mr-rsm2f electronic servo element chart recorder / tester
    foxboro m/62h controller model 62h-4e-oj 118 volts 30 va un in box
    foxboro m/63r/oa-h alarm relay 5a115v vac 28v vdc 1a max style b type 1 29595
    foxboro m/63r-ob-i style b type 1 alarm relay unit 118v ac input 46475
    foxboro m0132pn chart drive 120v ac 24hr / rev 1 day 3w watt 4rph 55328
    foxboro m105aa single pen movement assembly for pressure controller 52556
    foxboro m105ab
    foxboro m121cr pen movement assembly 1 pen for pressure controller 52550
    foxboro m122ac 32301
    foxboro m130d2
    foxboro m-2800 magnetic flowtube
    foxboro m40g pneumatic output gauge relay 0-100 display 42408 42407
    foxboro m-411836e bo123hd pneumatic valve positioner pressure regulator 42382
    foxboro m4og auto manual close meter
    foxboro manual control unit model30m-n4 controller w/ cord fox 96000 cg908
    foxboro model 13a d/p cell pressure transmitter 0-200in h2o 1500psi proof 52450
    foxboro model 40 body part c110ax
    foxboro model 44 pneumatic transmitter diaphragm nozzle flapper assembly 46649
    foxboro model 57 g2 pneumatic edgewise indicator controller 3-15psi style 53450
    foxboro model 574 rotax liquid level controller 0-20ft water 115v 50129
    foxboro model 697 conductivity converter
    foxboro model 8121a electronic control current calibrator dc millamperes 46920
    foxboro model 8121c electronic control current calibrator dc millamperes 46921
    foxboro model p91v typ c vernier valvactor valve stem pneumatic positioner 44174
    foxboro model p91v typ c vernier valvactor valve stem pneumatic positioner 44174
    foxboro movement pulley wheel m125km
    foxboro multi-readout psi gauge
    foxboro multi-readout psi gauge nib
    foxboro mx pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-100psi range 3-15psi 47130
    foxboro mx45 pneumatic pressure transmitter controller 0-50 lbs per sq in 53490
    foxboro mx45 pneumatic transmitter 0-200in h2o range 3-15psi 47129
    foxboro mx45 pressure pneumatic transmitter temperature controller 0-400f 53491
    foxboro n0206ea no206ea 3 pen recording pen arm for m/64 chart recorder 46631
    foxboro n-10d4 manual control unit
    foxboro n137cr converter amplifier 10-50ma dc output electronic consotrol 49482
    foxboro n-142no
    foxboro no.id drip well drain cock blow out daily oftener steel 51432
    foxboro non-flowing reference electrode bo 158ly nib
    foxboro p/1 converter model 872-2 1/2
    foxboro p0400cf rev.d intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 51854
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series i/o y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57603
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57607
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57608
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57675
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter plc module 2-ss rev revision c 57604
    foxboro p0400gh / p0500cn i/a series  power bar for cell 57554
    foxboro p0400hh rev h fbm-1 terminal termination wire cable assembly 58818
    foxboro p0400hh terminal termination wire cable assembly 56128
    foxboro p0400sg cable assembly i/a series plc 55778
    foxboro p0400ve rev 0k fieldbus isolator module board plc 47229
    foxboro p0400vu wp20 workstation processor 20 module rev g 56108
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 100-240v 57555
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 2 100-240v ac 100ms 57556
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 2 100-240v ac 100ms 57557
    foxboro p0400za i/a series power module 2 100-240v ac 46765
    foxboro p0400za rev f i/a seriesi/a ind. power module 100-240v 58819
    foxboro p0400zf ind power module 8 125v i/a series rev d 53036
    foxboro p0500jx peripheral cable assembly connector 2ft i/a series rev e 47375
    foxboro p0500nx intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 58935
    foxboro p0500nx rev.d intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 51853
    foxboro p0500nz-g rev g po500nz fieldbus bus termination cable assembly 58933
    foxboro p0500ry rev n terminal termination discrete wire cable 58817
    foxboro p0500wp rev.d termination cable assembly fieldbus module fbm 51833
    foxboro p0600tw 50447-605 i/a series control board assembly 46453
    foxboro p0670vb-0b cable interconnect module 46549
    foxboro p0700fv rev b i/a series cell case fan 120mm top/bottom entry 57773
    foxboro p0700fv rev c i/a series cell case fan2120mm top/bottom entry 57772
    foxboro p0700fv rev.c fan assembly bottom entry/top 18v 29v dc papst 120mm 51855
    foxboro p0800da i/a series pio ftuc-z cable 57398
    foxboro p0800dc isolator cable terminal plug termination 57045
    foxboro p0903zl rev.a i/a series ind. power module 2 imp2 39v dc 1.7a 57597
    foxboro p0912ka i/a series 120v ac serial to parallel converter iii pi115a 46452
    foxboro p0912ke p003 mouse trak track ball 3 button 56082
    foxboro p0914zm-0c i/a series fcm identification open type process control 46560
    foxboro p0915fu b-fxsun mouse-trak track ball 3 button ps2 56112
    foxboro part # bo139su replacement bellows assemblies
    foxboro part # bo139xh replacement bellows assembly-
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 0-20psi indicating controller 46564
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 0-25psi indicating controller 46570
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 30-0-psi indicating controller 46756
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 30-80psi indicating controller 46566
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-15psi for indicating 46574
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-18in h2o for controller 46757
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-20psi for indicating 46576
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-25psi for indicating 46573
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-30psi for indicating 46575
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-40psi for indicating contr 46577
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-50psi for indicating 46572
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-60psi for indicating 46583
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-10.7 psi for indicating 46593
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-15 ft h2o for indicating 46587
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-20ft h2o for indicating 46590
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-21 psi for indicating 46594
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-40in h2o for indicating 46589
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 3-15 psi for indicating 46591
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 3-15 psi for indicating 46592
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure 20in h2o for short wire connection 47326
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for long wire 47327
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure element 35-59in w h20 54375
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure 0-20in h2o for controller with probe 47325
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for controller 47324
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for controller 47324
    foxboro pc10 i.f.d. power supply modem d0157yn
    foxboro pc10 rs-232 rs 232 i.f.d. power supply modem d0157ye
    foxboro pen motor assembly model# c83r-91782
    foxboro percent gages/gauges
    foxboro ph/orp monitor model# 874ph-ai
    foxboro plc p0400dl i/a ser series y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57581
    foxboro pneumatic air filter element 150psi max 53422
    foxboro pneumatic controller 138sp-4
    foxboro pneumatic transducer 69ta-2r mrt-1023b 3-15 psi
    foxboro pneumatic valve block lexg-j  of 8
    foxboro power cable p0177hb  of 2
    foxboro pressure gauges model m
    foxboro pressure transmitter idp10-a22028tf
    foxboro pressure transmitter model 11gm-as2
    foxboro proportional band controller 5649 56-4-9
    foxboro proportional band controller 58p4fwva
    foxboro proportional band controller 58p5
    foxboro proportional unit cu119fy  of 3
    foxboro q0104ay temperature compensator nib
    foxboro receiving bellows u1197c
    foxboro regulator c112am
    foxboro regulator model# c0140pe
    foxboro remote counter timer 40 counts/min 48 teeth change gear 60059
    foxboro remote preamp pn ps290aa
    foxboro reset bellows unit co124en
    foxboro rev d kit 60130ll
    foxboro rubber diaphragm 7
    foxboro safety gauge nib
    foxboro seal valve for model 58p4  control controller cg926
    foxboro serial no 2300230
    foxboro serial no 2300231
    foxboro siebe fbm 10/15 terminal plug dm900za rev c
    foxboro siebe fbm 4/39/44 terminal plug p0500ry rev n
    foxboro siebe fbm 8/13 terminal plug dm700dr rev c
    foxboro siebe iso terminal plug p0800dc rev m p0800 dc
    foxboro signal processing module card holder model 2ap
    foxboro spec 200 e20s-h2rb6 chart recorder drive
    foxboro spec 200 indicator 210s-1 st c
    foxboro spec 200 indicator 210s-2 dio
    foxboro spec 230 sf control station
    foxboro spec 235 sz manual station
    foxboro sun p0970kt-a 411 magnetic streaming tape drive 150mb 56127
    foxboro sun p0971br-0a 411 tape drive 5gb enclosure mount 56106
    foxboro supply and output psi regulator dial
    foxboro telechron im2-4h motor movement 4hr hour 100-130v 2 watt 5461262 52425
    foxboro telechron motor movement im9ff-1d
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14bbs-003
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-006
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-008
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-009
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-009
    foxboro temperature sensor model# pr-14ubs-003
    foxboro temperature transmitter model 893ta-jcusn000-ck origin 2b9346
    foxboro thermowell 12 w-pft-a26-1.5-150ff-c276
    foxboro transmitter 92100 fox boro umhe7 cg962
    foxboro transmitter mdl 821gm-dsish2-am origin 2a9451 rng 600 psig12.5-42vdc
    foxboro type a relay # l100bw
    foxboro u0123bc bellows assembly nib
    foxboro u101ab
    foxboro uo119bk
    foxboro valve stem and plunger
    foxboro vent plug d0161qt  of 12
    foxboro vortex flow meter e03w03sss1
    foxboro wheel assemblies
    foxboro wheel turbine asy fox 99500 cg915
    foxboro /synchron 7 day chart drive 110v ac 1rph 52431
    foxboro /telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 1 day 120v 52429
    foxboro /telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 100-125v ac 52428
    foxboro foxoboro #e69f-t12-j current to air converter
    foxboro foxobro temperature transmitter mdl e93-b origin 2d8243 j/68  in plastic
    foxboro  2ac st. c single control card module plc board db n0310wj 47618
    foxboro  2ap signal processing processor module card holder plc 27754
    foxboro  3a2-i2d st. a ma/d converter board module plc card 47643
    foxboro  3c8-d2cs d/sws converter board process control module plc card 47637
    foxboro  863dp-m1d1ss-m d/p cell inbligent transmitter
    foxboro  air control relay c0136xr kit-m/40d
    foxboro  alarm m/63r-ob-h style b 118v 50madc type 2
    foxboro  alarm n152kb m/63r-ob-h style b 118v 50madc
    foxboro  b0140pk 827 dp cell sensor pressure switch diaphragm ss316l 44025
    foxboro  b102rn type 20 volume booster pneumatic air 1/4npt 11 250psi 40566
    foxboro  c0131ul co131ul pen motor drive unit 46637
    foxboro  c0134fb co134fb derivative unit assembly for proportional plus 46655
    foxboro  c123ba pressure unit bellows for model 52a pressure controller 46648
    foxboro  co132ea c0132ea reset unit right hand 40 pressure recorder 52555
    foxboro  company p0170pl i/a ser series plc pc power cable revision d 57527
    foxboro  company p0902bl revision rev b i/a plc series terminator kit 57523
    foxboro  company plc p0500ux cable peripheral scsi rev revision g 57528
    foxboro  dpx power supply a2047ve-h-4
    foxboro  hub holder m0103aa
    foxboro  humitex charts 808427 approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 808743l approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 818003 approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 898445-a approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  i/a series 8' video cable assembly p0971fb
    foxboro  im2-24h telechron motor movement 539m1262 chart drive 100-130v 50165
    foxboro  k0143dx-b adapter copy card eerom module circuit board 53172
    foxboro  lo121cd isolation manifold stainless cf8m open close 46646
    foxboro  m106aa pen movement assembly 1 pen/set for pressure controller 52551
    foxboro  m121at 4 pen movement part for model 40 recorder 46656
    foxboro  mr-s panel mounted gauge 3-15 psi 4.5 face
    foxboro  n0206me no206me pen movement 2pen for chart recorder 46636
    foxboro  p0121xf calibration adaptor cable for flow meter transmitter 46640
    foxboro  p0170pl i/a series power cable cord rev.c 6ft 57529
    foxboro  p0800dc isolator cable terminal plug termination rev m 47371
    foxboro  p0800hw i/a series crt input power cable 72in length 46563
    foxboro  p0900jg carrier lan drop cable assembly 50 ft feet 46679
    foxboro  p0916de cable assembly s9
    foxboro  p0921cf a fieldbus cable connector wire 10ft feet 47745
    foxboro  p103re m/40 dual gauge indicator assembly 52346
    foxboro  pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-15psi for indicating 46579
    foxboro  pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element raised 0-15psi for 46580
    foxboro  pen lift assembly m0100a6  of 2
    foxboro  pepperl fuchs p0916db dinfbm termination cable connnector wire 47746
    foxboro  ps290aa remote preamp 222f sensor 57469
    foxboro  remote preamp ps290aa sensor 222f
    foxboro  rosenberger p0972kw fiber optic cable b87
    foxboro  w105pr pressure element receiver type for pressure controller 46657
    foxboro /ict sensor 1124-10g-a44-a 150psig
    foxboro /ict sensor 1124-17s-a54-a 0-3000 psis 4-20ma
    foxboro b123hf pressure regulator
    foxboro electrochemical analyzer 873cc-atwcnz
    foxboro 899402 humitex chart recorder paper j-14 53544
    foxboro c103ah proportional bellows element for model 40 52564
    foxboro assorted single pen movement assembly controller/recorder 52557
    foxboro graphic control recording charts 01055557
    foxboro b1271mu mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52561
    foxboro b1271mu mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52559
    foxboro 17901 mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52562
    foxboro 24hr chart drive 120v ac 60hz 24hrs 40570
    foxboro analog idp10-a22b21f and more
    foxboro e96 50137 triplett 52-6064 panel meter 0-100 520-f 0-1dc ma
    foxboro air filter 1 rears psi guage 1  1 regulator with hoses brass fittings
    foxboro controller 1385 pneumatic
    foxboro / ict pressure transducers 6 pin
    foxboro fbm 4 ai aio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51827
    foxboro pneumatic pressure transmitter
    foxboro 47225 46 graphic controls mixed penarm chart recorder 39 76 51 bailey
    foxboro p0170 assorted power cord 6ft/2ft length i/a ser series 57349
    foxboro 50 pack of parker rubber o-rings model n0674-70-3-906
    foxboro gandalf tridelta wave reflection device 56562 8 assorted allen bradley
    foxboro mixed magnetic flow transmitter aluminum enclosure cover plate 57862
    foxboro - humitex charts - 700 charts - #898382 -
    foxboro / telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 52427
    foxboro 0-100 gauge model# 65fs-3hg
    foxboro 0-100 psi pressure receiver element
    foxboro 0-1000lbs per sq in pressure gauge 5-1/2in dial 1/4npt lower mount 58126
    foxboro 0-150 psi pressure element  f4
    foxboro 101-4 chart recorder rack
    foxboro 10-165f temperature transmitter w/ helical pressure element 52424
    foxboro 1124-16s-c94-a1 112416sc94a1 sensor 12 to 30 vdc
    foxboro 11u113as
    foxboro 130 fd-n control station
    foxboro 13a d/p cell transmitter instruction book manual 2556 cg949
    foxboro 13a pressure transmitter 316ss 0-100in h2o stainless steel 1500psi 50069
    foxboro 13a pressure transmitter 316ss 0-50in h2o stainless steel 1500psi 50070
    foxboro 13f series liquid level transmitters instruction book 1587 cg950
    foxboro 13fa 240 pneumatic liquid level transmitter 4 bolt flange 3in 40547
    foxboro 13fa liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless grey 4bolt flanged 47916
    foxboro 13fa1-hk31a5 liquid level transmitter 3-15psi 0-850in h20 4 bolt 41973
    foxboro 13fa-ms 31 a5 liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless 12 bolt 45938
    foxboro 14a flow integrator
    foxboro 15 capillary model 45 0-1000 psi pressure controller cg903
    foxboro 16a-bd speed transmitter
    foxboro 20 metre cell variable pathlength
    foxboro 210s-1 spec 200 basic indicator standard 1 pointer 47622
    foxboro 22703 reference cavity refill kit 22703
    foxboro 230sm
    foxboro 24 hour hrs chart drive 110v ac power 52343
    foxboro 24hrs chart drive 120v ac 1 day per rev 55413
    foxboro 2800 magnetic flowtube 1/2in 280h-sbba-tpa-g 250psi 120v m/2800
    foxboro 2800 magnetic flowtube 1/2in 280h-sbba-tpa-g 250psi 120v m/2800 17299
    foxboro 2801-saba-th 1 flow tube
    foxboro 2803-saba-ts 3 316 ss magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2803-saba-tsg-g- 3 magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2804-saba-tsa-g 4  magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2ai-a2v2 analog av controller in box
    foxboro 2ai-i3v spec 200 series i/a converter input module card 49757
    foxboro 2ak-40 st b connector
    foxboro 2ak-f006 30 pin screwdown special cable connector 53416
    foxboro 2as246
    foxboro 2at-cal spec 200 series system calibrator 118/220/238 ac input 46913
    foxboro 2ax a4 control plug in module board style d 43961
    foxboro 2ax a4 st. d control plug-in module plc board 48337
    foxboro 2ax dio module signal distribution terminal.  old stock
    foxboro 2ax dio st 7 module signal distribution 2axdio
    foxboro 2ax dp10 st c power distribution 2axdp10
    foxboro 2ax dp10-e cbc st d module signal power distribution 48100
    foxboro 2ax dp10-e st c module signal power distribution 48101
    foxboro 2ax dsp st. d signal distribution module plc board 48326
    foxboro 2ax p 2ao-v2i st. b pcb converter current voltage basic board plc 48323
    foxboro 2ax-dp10-e power distribution module card
    foxboro 3 c100er
    foxboro 30 psi 6-1/2 panel mount gauge
    foxboro 33186 - 1 100mm roll chart  of 3 nib
    foxboro 39465 iil air switch set nib
    foxboro 40pr-fre1f electronic servo element receiver chart recorder 120v tester
    foxboro 40x pb-cc pneumatic pressure element 3-15psi 56017
    foxboro 44bp pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-20in h2o 3-15psi 43899
    foxboro 44bp pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-20in h2o 3-15psi 53162
    foxboro 500m-a0035k 500m monitor
    foxboro 530006-5
    foxboro 53001-6tx4.5a charts  of 13 nib
    foxboro 56-6-33 proportional band for indicating controller 52418
    foxboro 58p2 proportional band controller moore 524ft2 pressure 3-15psi 50194
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band controller moore 524ft2 pressure control 50195
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band for indicating controller 52417
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band for indicating controller with cover 52421
    foxboro 58p4wc proportional band for indicating controller 52420
    foxboro 62h-5e-oj loop controller
    foxboro 63r series electronic consultrol alarm unit
    foxboro 65fs-edjb-c field mounted indicating pressure gauge 0-55psi 53885
    foxboro 67f r283
    foxboro 7 day chart drive 110v ac power 52342
    foxboro 7 day chart drive 115v ac power 52341
    foxboro 73-01-380 diaphragm liquid transmitter extension 6 in 13fea 6-1/4 40427
    foxboro 762csa single station micro controller nib
    foxboro 8003a-wcr-pjgf6z-a 8000a series magnetic flowtube 98211418 flow control
    foxboro 808800 humitex charts  of 700 nib
    foxboro 821al-is1sh2 electronic transmitter
    foxboro 821gh-hssm2-m electronic tranmsitter.
    foxboro 821gm-d inbligent pressure transmitter d1
    foxboro 821gm-is1nh2 electronic pressure transmitter 150psi range 600psi 60209
    foxboro 821gm-is1sh2-am electronic transmitter 4ma20ma range 12.5-65v dc 48238
    foxboro 823dp-h & 823dp-i electronic d/p cell transmitter instruction cg951
    foxboro 823dp-i3s1nh2 electric transmitter parts only
    foxboro 823ep-1h4sc6ke electronic transmitter
    foxboro 827df-is/smsa1 electric transmitter
    foxboro 83w-d03s1krtnj vortex flow meter
    foxboro 841gm-bi differential pressure transmitter 100psi 58810
    foxboro 841gm-bi1 electronic pressure transmitter 4-20ma 0-50psi 36v dc 52453
    foxboro 870ph-70-n-a electronic transmitter d4 788
    foxboro 871ph-1x1a-a ph/orp holder sensor 48338
    foxboro 872-20ams-48 electrochemical monitor  e2
    foxboro 873aph-aipfgz electrochemical analyzer control
    foxboro 873ph-aipfgz 873 ph/orp analyzer 120v ac power 0-14ph 100ohm rtd 55492
    foxboro 873ph-aipfgz electrochemical analyzer control
    foxboro 893ra-qfls003 temperature transmitter 0-200f 30v 4-20ma 4-1/2in 54384
    foxboro 896 magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57861
    foxboro 910-ed2 conductivity cell
    foxboro a2020la-fd preamplifier
    foxboro a-90612 conversion kit for type 24mb cam switch assembly 46630
    foxboro adjustable restrictor fox 76600 umhc-7 cg916
    foxboro air switch dual 4 port 2 way load off lift brass 1/4 npt ports 44006
    foxboro airdron regulator 20 b0102ny 250 psi
    foxboro ak237aa rev 0d 80mb housing w/o drive i/a series plc card 55430
    foxboro analytical 009-5097 relectance spectroscopy
    foxboro assorted panel meters 800kw 12000gpm 0-5feet 0-100 4x4-1/2in 46758
    foxboro b0140pg bo140pg pressure switch diaphragm steel 316l 827 sensor 44026
    foxboro b101sw
    foxboro b102ny 20 pneumatic pressure airdron regulator 250psi upstream 53430
    foxboro b110zm
    foxboro b110zm fixed pressure regulator
    foxboro b2a8246
    foxboro b6302ff
    foxboro b6302k2
    foxboro back plate assembly co124cf
    foxboro bellows c-123 ba
    foxboro bellows c123-ba
    foxboro bo123hd pneumatic pressure regulator 20psi output 150psi input 53432
    foxboro bo123he pneumatic pressure regulator 250psi input 0.5-60psi output 53415
    foxboro bo138ra b0138ra pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46547
    foxboro bo139ey b0139ey pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46545
    foxboro booster type 20 250 psi b102rn
    foxboro c0149fe co149fe pressure element bellows for model 40 p/i 52553
    foxboro c1002
    foxboro c124en bellows assembly pressure element for pressure controller 46645
    foxboro cable for 51b series terminals p0971pd rs232
    foxboro capillary system w/ helical bourden 5000 psi type aa5 cg901
    foxboro cft10 mass flow transmitter
    foxboro chart drive m132na
    foxboro chart drive synchron 110v 60cy 7 day m132rf
    foxboro chart paper fx-898413
    foxboro chart recorder drive model e20s-h2rb6
    foxboro circular chart 0-40 24h 100/box 898491
    foxboro circular chart recorder graphing paper
    foxboro circular chart recorder model 740ra-a3000-an
    foxboro circular recording charts 858050 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898445 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898452 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898467 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898481 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898494 chart recorder 100
    foxboro cm902wl power module model aa16560
    foxboro cm902wl power supply module i/a series 100-240v ac input 39v dc 57046
    foxboro co-124 et
    foxboro co1301l
    foxboro co149ez c0149ez pressure element bellows for model 40 p/i 52552
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57600
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57602
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57605
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57606
    foxboro company plc p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s revision e 57577
    foxboro company plc p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s revision e 57578
    foxboro company plc p0400dl rev c i/a series y-adapter module 2-s 58814
    foxboro company rev revision c p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-ss 57601
    foxboro consotrol 131m-n2 pneumatic indicating controller 3-15psi 0-8 rang 53446
    foxboro consotrol controller recorder 52a-sm4f
    foxboro consotrol roll chart 5 rolls 53229-t  in box
    foxboro control rod 359240
    foxboro conversion kit 40119yu
    foxboro cord term bwer p.o 81032 cg970 fox boro
    foxboro cover for nhs transmitter #1 acid cg925
    foxboro current air postioner model e69p-bi1-rs 0-35 psi 4-20 ma
    foxboro current converter 2a0-v31
    foxboro current to air converter e69f-t12-j
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-bh2-s
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-th3-s
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-th8-s
    foxboro d/p cell intelligent transmitter 863dp-m2d1ns-m
    foxboro d0105nx rotameter bubble tube indicator 0.2-30scfh gas 0.1-5gph 56064
    foxboro d127sr h4
    foxboro data recorder ? model 123 re
    foxboro diaphragm seal flange fox 83600 type ad cg911
    foxboro dm500sc i/a series terminal termination term assembly wire cable 46621
    foxboro do135py d0135py pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46544
    foxboro do143vt d0143vt pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46546
    foxboro doorfaceplate 47986
    foxboro dp cell parts n999f
    foxboro dte-peripheral cable assy. 20 ft rev. b p0970xe
    foxboro dte-peripheral cable assy. 40 ft rev. c p0970wx
    foxboro e11gm electronic pressure transmitter 316ss 350psi 4-20ma 40769
    foxboro e13dm electronic transmitter
    foxboro e20s-h2fb6 consotrol electronic chart recorder drive 125v 23va 47266
    foxboro e69f-bi2-s current to air pressure converter i/p 4-20ma 3-15psi 53879
    foxboro e69f-ti2-rs current to air pressure converter i/p 4-20ma in 3-15psi out
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57858
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57859
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57860
    foxboro e92-rfg2h p/i converter
    foxboro e94 temperature transmitter sensor platinum various pressure ranges
    foxboro eckardt transmitter ag type 51 bem 585
    foxboro electromagnetic signal converter part # n0138kr
    foxboro electronic transmitter model e11gm span 10-80 psi supply 13-50
    foxboro electronic transmitter model e13dm 65-100 vdc nom. mwp 2000 psi
    foxboro electronic transmitter model# e11gm
    foxboro electronic transmitter with sensor
    foxboro emf converter model 693ar-oa su volts 118 cps 60 watts 20
    foxboro f-100-za 4-way 2 position brass consotrol air valve assembly 1/4in 55275
    foxboro fbm 1 termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51830
    foxboro fbm 1015 dio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 120v ac 51832
    foxboro fbm 4 ai aio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51826
    foxboro fbm 4/39/44 ai ao it ao termination cable assembly fieldbus module 51828
    foxboro fbm 6 pi ao termination cable assembly fieldbus module 51831
    foxboro flowmeter flow meter water hydraulic 1/4npt 5gph h2o h20 meter
    foxboro frequency to current converter model fr-316c-2 voltage 115 power 25v
    foxboro galvo motor mod# dol247y
    foxboro gauge 0-30
    foxboro gauge 3-15 psi
    foxboro gauge c1170
    foxboro gauge c1172
    foxboro i/a p0800da 10 ft fieldbus block cable p0800 da
    foxboro i/a p0800dg extension cable 3 ft p0800 dg
    foxboro i/a ser conversion kit f/ d-size module p0971ql
    foxboro i/a ser series p0400dl plc y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57579
    foxboro i/a ser series p0400dl plc y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57580
    foxboro ideal ansi4-150 ts87-f0105hd rev g pressure transmitter diaphragm 53873
    foxboro im2-12h telechron motor movement chart recorder drive 100v-130v 52426
    foxboro im2-24h telechron motor movement 130vac chart drive 24 hr 2w 40574
    foxboro im2-7d telechron motor movement chart recorder drive 100-125v ac 50167
    foxboro inbligent pressure transmitter 861gm-dd1-a 0-100% 4-20ma 0-250psi
    foxboro intelligent transmitter 821gm-dk1nm1-m ref 95312027
    foxboro intelligent transmitter model 821gm-ds1sh2-am ref 94511455
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev a y adapter module s plc 58407
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev a y adapter module s plc 58922
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev c y adapter module 2 s plc 58815
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev c y adapter module s plc 58406
    foxboro invensys p0400ve rev. e i/a series fieldbus isolator module board 47220
    foxboro ip2275
    foxboro jordan la-2810 actuator
    foxboro l0119ru-9 board
    foxboro lan drop cable assy. 100 ft rev. d p0900jh
    foxboro liquid level transmitter 13r-hs31a5
    foxboro m 13fa liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless 4 bolt flanged 45939
    foxboro m/ iigm-bs2-rel pressure transmitter 200psi 350psi air pneumatic 51279
    foxboro m/11gm pressure transmitter
    foxboro m/11gm pressure transmitter
    foxboro m/40mr-rsm2f electronic servo element chart recorder / tester
    foxboro m/62h controller model 62h-4e-oj 118 volts 30 va un in box
    foxboro m/63r/oa-h alarm relay 5a115v vac 28v vdc 1a max style b type 1 29595
    foxboro m/63r-ob-i style b type 1 alarm relay unit 118v ac input 46475
    foxboro m0132pn chart drive 120v ac 24hr / rev 1 day 3w watt 4rph 55328
    foxboro m105aa single pen movement assembly for pressure controller 52556
    foxboro m105ab
    foxboro m121cr pen movement assembly 1 pen for pressure controller 52550
    foxboro m122ac 32301
    foxboro m130d2
    foxboro m-2800 magnetic flowtube
    foxboro m40g pneumatic output gauge relay 0-100 display 42408 42407
    foxboro m-411836e bo123hd pneumatic valve positioner pressure regulator 42382
    foxboro m4og auto manual close meter
    foxboro manual control unit model30m-n4 controller w/ cord fox 96000 cg908
    foxboro model 13a d/p cell pressure transmitter 0-200in h2o 1500psi proof 52450
    foxboro model 40 body part c110ax
    foxboro model 44 pneumatic transmitter diaphragm nozzle flapper assembly 46649
    foxboro model 57 g2 pneumatic edgewise indicator controller 3-15psi style 53450
    foxboro model 574 rotax liquid level controller 0-20ft water 115v 50129
    foxboro model 697 conductivity converter
    foxboro model 8121a electronic control current calibrator dc millamperes 46920
    foxboro model 8121c electronic control current calibrator dc millamperes 46921
    foxboro model p91v typ c vernier valvactor valve stem pneumatic positioner 44174
    foxboro model p91v typ c vernier valvactor valve stem pneumatic positioner 44174
    foxboro movement pulley wheel m125km
    foxboro multi-readout psi gauge
    foxboro multi-readout psi gauge nib
    foxboro mx pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-100psi range 3-15psi 47130
    foxboro mx45 pneumatic pressure transmitter controller 0-50 lbs per sq in 53490
    foxboro mx45 pneumatic transmitter 0-200in h2o range 3-15psi 47129
    foxboro mx45 pressure pneumatic transmitter temperature controller 0-400f 53491
    foxboro n0206ea no206ea 3 pen recording pen arm for m/64 chart recorder 46631
    foxboro n-10d4 manual control unit
    foxboro n137cr converter amplifier 10-50ma dc output electronic consotrol 49482
    foxboro n-142no
    foxboro no.id drip well drain cock blow out daily oftener steel 51432
    foxboro non-flowing reference electrode bo 158ly nib
    foxboro p/1 converter model 872-2 1/2
    foxboro p0400cf rev.d intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 51854
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series i/o y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57603
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57607
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57608
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57675
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter plc module 2-ss rev revision c 57604
    foxboro p0400gh / p0500cn i/a series  power bar for cell 57554
    foxboro p0400hh rev h fbm-1 terminal termination wire cable assembly 58818
    foxboro p0400hh terminal termination wire cable assembly 56128
    foxboro p0400sg cable assembly i/a series plc 55778
    foxboro p0400ve rev 0k fieldbus isolator module board plc 47229
    foxboro p0400vu wp20 workstation processor 20 module rev g 56108
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 100-240v 57555
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 2 100-240v ac 100ms 57556
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 2 100-240v ac 100ms 57557
    foxboro p0400za i/a series power module 2 100-240v ac 46765
    foxboro p0400za rev f i/a seriesi/a ind. power module 100-240v 58819
    foxboro p0400zf ind power module 8 125v i/a series rev d 53036
    foxboro p0500jx peripheral cable assembly connector 2ft i/a series rev e 47375
    foxboro p0500nx intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 58935
    foxboro p0500nx rev.d intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 51853
    foxboro p0500nz-g rev g po500nz fieldbus bus termination cable assembly 58933
    foxboro p0500ry rev n terminal termination discrete wire cable 58817
    foxboro p0500wp rev.d termination cable assembly fieldbus module fbm 51833
    foxboro p0600tw 50447-605 i/a series control board assembly 46453
    foxboro p0670vb-0b cable interconnect module 46549
    foxboro p0700fv rev b i/a series cell case fan 120mm top/bottom entry 57773
    foxboro p0700fv rev c i/a series cell case fan2120mm top/bottom entry 57772
    foxboro p0700fv rev.c fan assembly bottom entry/top 18v 29v dc papst 120mm 51855
    foxboro p0800da i/a series pio ftuc-z cable 57398
    foxboro p0800dc isolator cable terminal plug termination 57045
    foxboro p0903zl rev.a i/a series ind. power module 2 imp2 39v dc 1.7a 57597
    foxboro p0912ka i/a series 120v ac serial to parallel converter iii pi115a 46452
    foxboro p0912ke p003 mouse trak track ball 3 button 56082
    foxboro p0914zm-0c i/a series fcm identification open type process control 46560
    foxboro p0915fu b-fxsun mouse-trak track ball 3 button ps2 56112
    foxboro part # bo139su replacement bellows assemblies
    foxboro part # bo139xh replacement bellows assembly-
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 0-20psi indicating controller 46564
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 0-25psi indicating controller 46570
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 30-0-psi indicating controller 46756
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 30-80psi indicating controller 46566
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-15psi for indicating 46574
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-18in h2o for controller 46757
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-20psi for indicating 46576
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-25psi for indicating 46573
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-30psi for indicating 46575
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-40psi for indicating contr 46577
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-50psi for indicating 46572
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-60psi for indicating 46583
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-10.7 psi for indicating 46593
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-15 ft h2o for indicating 46587
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-20ft h2o for indicating 46590
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-21 psi for indicating 46594
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-40in h2o for indicating 46589
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 3-15 psi for indicating 46591
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 3-15 psi for indicating 46592
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure 20in h2o for short wire connection 47326
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for long wire 47327
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure element 35-59in w h20 54375
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure 0-20in h2o for controller with probe 47325
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for controller 47324
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for controller 47324
    foxboro pc10 i.f.d. power supply modem d0157yn
    foxboro pc10 rs-232 rs 232 i.f.d. power supply modem d0157ye
    foxboro pen motor assembly model# c83r-91782
    foxboro percent gages/gauges
    foxboro ph/orp monitor model# 874ph-ai
    foxboro plc p0400dl i/a ser series y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57581
    foxboro pneumatic air filter element 150psi max 53422
    foxboro pneumatic controller 138sp-4
    foxboro pneumatic transducer 69ta-2r mrt-1023b 3-15 psi
    foxboro pneumatic valve block lexg-j  of 8
    foxboro power cable p0177hb  of 2
    foxboro pressure gauges model m
    foxboro pressure transmitter idp10-a22028tf
    foxboro pressure transmitter model 11gm-as2
    foxboro proportional band controller 5649 56-4-9
    foxboro proportional band controller 58p4fwva
    foxboro proportional band controller 58p5
    foxboro proportional unit cu119fy  of 3
    foxboro q0104ay temperature compensator nib
    foxboro receiving bellows u1197c
    foxboro regulator c112am
    foxboro regulator model# c0140pe
    foxboro remote counter timer 40 counts/min 48 teeth change gear 60059
    foxboro remote preamp pn ps290aa
    foxboro reset bellows unit co124en
    foxboro rev d kit 60130ll
    foxboro rubber diaphragm 7
    foxboro safety gauge nib
    foxboro seal valve for model 58p4  control controller cg926
    foxboro serial no 2300230
    foxboro serial no 2300231
    foxboro siebe fbm 10/15 terminal plug dm900za rev c
    foxboro siebe fbm 4/39/44 terminal plug p0500ry rev n
    foxboro siebe fbm 8/13 terminal plug dm700dr rev c
    foxboro siebe iso terminal plug p0800dc rev m p0800 dc
    foxboro signal processing module card holder model 2ap
    foxboro spec 200 e20s-h2rb6 chart recorder drive
    foxboro spec 200 indicator 210s-1 st c
    foxboro spec 200 indicator 210s-2 dio
    foxboro spec 230 sf control station
    foxboro spec 235 sz manual station
    foxboro sun p0970kt-a 411 magnetic streaming tape drive 150mb 56127
    foxboro sun p0971br-0a 411 tape drive 5gb enclosure mount 56106
    foxboro supply and output psi regulator dial
    foxboro telechron im2-4h motor movement 4hr hour 100-130v 2 watt 5461262 52425
    foxboro telechron motor movement im9ff-1d
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14bbs-003
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-006
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-008
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-009
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-009
    foxboro temperature sensor model# pr-14ubs-003
    foxboro temperature transmitter model 893ta-jcusn000-ck origin 2b9346
    foxboro thermowell 12 w-pft-a26-1.5-150ff-c276
    foxboro transmitter 92100 fox boro umhe7 cg962
    foxboro transmitter mdl 821gm-dsish2-am origin 2a9451 rng 600 psig12.5-42vdc
    foxboro type a relay # l100bw
    foxboro u0123bc bellows assembly nib
    foxboro u101ab
    foxboro uo119bk
    foxboro valve stem and plunger
    foxboro vent plug d0161qt  of 12
    foxboro vortex flow meter e03w03sss1
    foxboro wheel assemblies
    foxboro wheel turbine asy fox 99500 cg915
    foxboro /synchron 7 day chart drive 110v ac 1rph 52431
    foxboro /telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 1 day 120v 52429
    foxboro /telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 100-125v ac 52428
    foxboro foxoboro #e69f-t12-j current to air converter
    foxboro foxobro temperature transmitter mdl e93-b origin 2d8243 j/68  in plastic
    foxboro  2ac st. c single control card module plc board db n0310wj 47618
    foxboro  2ap signal processing processor module card holder plc 27754
    foxboro  3a2-i2d st. a ma/d converter board module plc card 47643
    foxboro  3c8-d2cs d/sws converter board process control module plc card 47637
    foxboro  863dp-m1d1ss-m d/p cell inbligent transmitter
    foxboro  air control relay c0136xr kit-m/40d
    foxboro  alarm m/63r-ob-h style b 118v 50madc type 2
    foxboro  alarm n152kb m/63r-ob-h style b 118v 50madc
    foxboro  b0140pk 827 dp cell sensor pressure switch diaphragm ss316l 44025
    foxboro  b102rn type 20 volume booster pneumatic air 1/4npt 11 250psi 40566
    foxboro  c0131ul co131ul pen motor drive unit 46637
    foxboro  c0134fb co134fb derivative unit assembly for proportional plus 46655
    foxboro  c123ba pressure unit bellows for model 52a pressure controller 46648
    foxboro  co132ea c0132ea reset unit right hand 40 pressure recorder 52555
    foxboro  company p0170pl i/a ser series plc pc power cable revision d 57527
    foxboro  company p0902bl revision rev b i/a plc series terminator kit 57523
    foxboro  company plc p0500ux cable peripheral scsi rev revision g 57528
    foxboro  dpx power supply a2047ve-h-4
    foxboro  hub holder m0103aa
    foxboro  humitex charts 808427 approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 808743l approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 818003 approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  humitex charts 898445-a approx. 100 24 hour
    foxboro  i/a series 8' video cable assembly p0971fb
    foxboro  im2-24h telechron motor movement 539m1262 chart drive 100-130v 50165
    foxboro  k0143dx-b adapter copy card eerom module circuit board 53172
    foxboro  lo121cd isolation manifold stainless cf8m open close 46646
    foxboro  m106aa pen movement assembly 1 pen/set for pressure controller 52551
    foxboro  m121at 4 pen movement part for model 40 recorder 46656
    foxboro  mr-s panel mounted gauge 3-15 psi 4.5 face
    foxboro  n0206me no206me pen movement 2pen for chart recorder 46636
    foxboro  p0121xf calibration adaptor cable for flow meter transmitter 46640
    foxboro  p0170pl i/a series power cable cord rev.c 6ft 57529
    foxboro  p0800dc isolator cable terminal plug termination rev m 47371
    foxboro  p0800hw i/a series crt input power cable 72in length 46563
    foxboro  p0900jg carrier lan drop cable assembly 50 ft feet 46679
    foxboro  p0916de cable assembly s9
    foxboro  p0921cf a fieldbus cable connector wire 10ft feet 47745
    foxboro  p103re m/40 dual gauge indicator assembly 52346
    foxboro  pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-15psi for indicating 46579
    foxboro  pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element raised 0-15psi for 46580
    foxboro  pen lift assembly m0100a6  of 2
    foxboro  pepperl fuchs p0916db dinfbm termination cable connnector wire 47746
    foxboro  ps290aa remote preamp 222f sensor 57469
    foxboro  remote preamp ps290aa sensor 222f
    foxboro  rosenberger p0972kw fiber optic cable b87
    foxboro  w105pr pressure element receiver type for pressure controller 46657
    foxboro /ict sensor 1124-10g-a44-a 150psig
    foxboro /ict sensor 1124-17s-a54-a 0-3000 psis 4-20ma
    foxboro b123hf pressure regulator
    foxboro electrochemical analyzer 873cc-atwcnz
    foxboro 899402 humitex chart recorder paper j-14 53544
    foxboro c103ah proportional bellows element for model 40 52564
    foxboro assorted single pen movement assembly controller/recorder 52557
    foxboro graphic control recording charts 01055557
    foxboro b1271mu mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52561
    foxboro b1271mu mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52559
    foxboro 17901 mounting kit for i/p pressure converter 52562
    foxboro 24hr chart drive 120v ac 60hz 24hrs 40570
    foxboro analog idp10-a22b21f and more
    foxboro e96 50137 triplett 52-6064 panel meter 0-100 520-f 0-1dc ma
    foxboro air filter 1 rears psi guage 1  1 regulator with hoses brass fittings
    foxboro controller 1385 pneumatic
    foxboro / ict pressure transducers 6 pin
    foxboro fbm 4 ai aio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51827
    foxboro pneumatic pressure transmitter
    foxboro 47225 46 graphic controls mixed penarm chart recorder 39 76 51 bailey
    foxboro p0170 assorted power cord 6ft/2ft length i/a ser series 57349
    foxboro 50 pack of parker rubber o-rings model n0674-70-3-906
    foxboro gandalf tridelta wave reflection device 56562 8 assorted allen bradley
    foxboro mixed magnetic flow transmitter aluminum enclosure cover plate 57862
    foxboro - humitex charts - 700 charts - #898382 -
    foxboro / telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 52427
    foxboro 0-100 gauge model# 65fs-3hg
    foxboro 0-100 psi pressure receiver element
    foxboro 0-1000lbs per sq in pressure gauge 5-1/2in dial 1/4npt lower mount 58126
    foxboro 0-150 psi pressure element  f4
    foxboro 101-4 chart recorder rack
    foxboro 10-165f temperature transmitter w/ helical pressure element 52424
    foxboro 1124-16s-c94-a1 112416sc94a1 sensor 12 to 30 vdc
    foxboro 11u113as
    foxboro 130 fd-n control station
    foxboro 13a d/p cell transmitter instruction book manual 2556 cg949
    foxboro 13a pressure transmitter 316ss 0-100in h2o stainless steel 1500psi 50069
    foxboro 13a pressure transmitter 316ss 0-50in h2o stainless steel 1500psi 50070
    foxboro 13f series liquid level transmitters instruction book 1587 cg950
    foxboro 13fa 240 pneumatic liquid level transmitter 4 bolt flange 3in 40547
    foxboro 13fa liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless grey 4bolt flanged 47916
    foxboro 13fa1-hk31a5 liquid level transmitter 3-15psi 0-850in h20 4 bolt 41973
    foxboro 13fa-ms 31 a5 liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless 12 bolt 45938
    foxboro 14a flow integrator
    foxboro 15 capillary model 45 0-1000 psi pressure controller cg903
    foxboro 16a-bd speed transmitter
    foxboro 20 metre cell variable pathlength
    foxboro 210s-1 spec 200 basic indicator standard 1 pointer 47622
    foxboro 22703 reference cavity refill kit 22703
    foxboro 230sm
    foxboro 24 hour hrs chart drive 110v ac power 52343
    foxboro 24hrs chart drive 120v ac 1 day per rev 55413
    foxboro 2800 magnetic flowtube 1/2in 280h-sbba-tpa-g 250psi 120v m/2800
    foxboro 2800 magnetic flowtube 1/2in 280h-sbba-tpa-g 250psi 120v m/2800 17299
    foxboro 2801-saba-th 1 flow tube
    foxboro 2803-saba-ts 3 316 ss magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2803-saba-tsg-g- 3 magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2804-saba-tsa-g 4  magnetic flowtube
    foxboro 2ai-a2v2 analog av controller in box
    foxboro 2ai-i3v spec 200 series i/a converter input module card 49757
    foxboro 2ak-40 st b connector
    foxboro 2ak-f006 30 pin screwdown special cable connector 53416
    foxboro 2as246
    foxboro 2at-cal spec 200 series system calibrator 118/220/238 ac input 46913
    foxboro 2ax a4 control plug in module board style d 43961
    foxboro 2ax a4 st. d control plug-in module plc board 48337
    foxboro 2ax dio module signal distribution terminal.  old stock
    foxboro 2ax dio st 7 module signal distribution 2axdio
    foxboro 2ax dp10 st c power distribution 2axdp10
    foxboro 2ax dp10-e cbc st d module signal power distribution 48100
    foxboro 2ax dp10-e st c module signal power distribution 48101
    foxboro 2ax dsp st. d signal distribution module plc board 48326
    foxboro 2ax p 2ao-v2i st. b pcb converter current voltage basic board plc 48323
    foxboro 2ax-dp10-e power distribution module card
    foxboro 3 c100er
    foxboro 30 psi 6-1/2 panel mount gauge
    foxboro 33186 - 1 100mm roll chart  of 3 nib
    foxboro 39465 iil air switch set nib
    foxboro 40pr-fre1f electronic servo element receiver chart recorder 120v tester
    foxboro 40x pb-cc pneumatic pressure element 3-15psi 56017
    foxboro 44bp pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-20in h2o 3-15psi 43899
    foxboro 44bp pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-20in h2o 3-15psi 53162
    foxboro 500m-a0035k 500m monitor
    foxboro 530006-5
    foxboro 53001-6tx4.5a charts  of 13 nib
    foxboro 56-6-33 proportional band for indicating controller 52418
    foxboro 58p2 proportional band controller moore 524ft2 pressure 3-15psi 50194
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band controller moore 524ft2 pressure control 50195
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band for indicating controller 52417
    foxboro 58p4 proportional band for indicating controller with cover 52421
    foxboro 58p4wc proportional band for indicating controller 52420
    foxboro 62h-5e-oj loop controller
    foxboro 63r series electronic consultrol alarm unit
    foxboro 65fs-edjb-c field mounted indicating pressure gauge 0-55psi 53885
    foxboro 67f r283
    foxboro 7 day chart drive 110v ac power 52342
    foxboro 7 day chart drive 115v ac power 52341
    foxboro 73-01-380 diaphragm liquid transmitter extension 6 in 13fea 6-1/4 40427
    foxboro 762csa single station micro controller nib
    foxboro 8003a-wcr-pjgf6z-a 8000a series magnetic flowtube 98211418 flow control
    foxboro 808800 humitex charts  of 700 nib
    foxboro 821al-is1sh2 electronic transmitter
    foxboro 821gh-hssm2-m electronic tranmsitter.
    foxboro 821gm-d inbligent pressure transmitter d1
    foxboro 821gm-is1nh2 electronic pressure transmitter 150psi range 600psi 60209
    foxboro 821gm-is1sh2-am electronic transmitter 4ma20ma range 12.5-65v dc 48238
    foxboro 823dp-h & 823dp-i electronic d/p cell transmitter instruction cg951
    foxboro 823dp-i3s1nh2 electric transmitter parts only
    foxboro 823ep-1h4sc6ke electronic transmitter
    foxboro 827df-is/smsa1 electric transmitter
    foxboro 83w-d03s1krtnj vortex flow meter
    foxboro 841gm-bi differential pressure transmitter 100psi 58810
    foxboro 841gm-bi1 electronic pressure transmitter 4-20ma 0-50psi 36v dc 52453
    foxboro 870ph-70-n-a electronic transmitter d4 788
    foxboro 871ph-1x1a-a ph/orp holder sensor 48338
    foxboro 872-20ams-48 electrochemical monitor  e2
    foxboro 873aph-aipfgz electrochemical analyzer control
    foxboro 873ph-aipfgz 873 ph/orp analyzer 120v ac power 0-14ph 100ohm rtd 55492
    foxboro 873ph-aipfgz electrochemical analyzer control
    foxboro 893ra-qfls003 temperature transmitter 0-200f 30v 4-20ma 4-1/2in 54384
    foxboro 896 magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57861
    foxboro 910-ed2 conductivity cell
    foxboro a2020la-fd preamplifier
    foxboro a-90612 conversion kit for type 24mb cam switch assembly 46630
    foxboro adjustable restrictor fox 76600 umhc-7 cg916
    foxboro air switch dual 4 port 2 way load off lift brass 1/4 npt ports 44006
    foxboro airdron regulator 20 b0102ny 250 psi
    foxboro ak237aa rev 0d 80mb housing w/o drive i/a series plc card 55430
    foxboro analytical 009-5097 relectance spectroscopy
    foxboro assorted panel meters 800kw 12000gpm 0-5feet 0-100 4x4-1/2in 46758
    foxboro b0140pg bo140pg pressure switch diaphragm steel 316l 827 sensor 44026
    foxboro b101sw
    foxboro b102ny 20 pneumatic pressure airdron regulator 250psi upstream 53430
    foxboro b110zm
    foxboro b110zm fixed pressure regulator
    foxboro b2a8246
    foxboro b6302ff
    foxboro b6302k2
    foxboro back plate assembly co124cf
    foxboro bellows c-123 ba
    foxboro bellows c123-ba
    foxboro bo123hd pneumatic pressure regulator 20psi output 150psi input 53432
    foxboro bo123he pneumatic pressure regulator 250psi input 0.5-60psi output 53415
    foxboro bo138ra b0138ra pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46547
    foxboro bo139ey b0139ey pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46545
    foxboro booster type 20 250 psi b102rn
    foxboro c0149fe co149fe pressure element bellows for model 40 p/i 52553
    foxboro c1002
    foxboro c124en bellows assembly pressure element for pressure controller 46645
    foxboro cable for 51b series terminals p0971pd rs232
    foxboro capillary system w/ helical bourden 5000 psi type aa5 cg901
    foxboro cft10 mass flow transmitter
    foxboro chart drive m132na
    foxboro chart drive synchron 110v 60cy 7 day m132rf
    foxboro chart paper fx-898413
    foxboro chart recorder drive model e20s-h2rb6
    foxboro circular chart 0-40 24h 100/box 898491
    foxboro circular chart recorder graphing paper
    foxboro circular chart recorder model 740ra-a3000-an
    foxboro circular recording charts 858050 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898445 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898452 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898467 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898481 chart recorder 100
    foxboro circular recording charts 898494 chart recorder 100
    foxboro cm902wl power module model aa16560
    foxboro cm902wl power supply module i/a series 100-240v ac input 39v dc 57046
    foxboro co-124 et
    foxboro co1301l
    foxboro co149ez c0149ez pressure element bellows for model 40 p/i 52552
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57600
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57602
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57605
    foxboro company p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57606
    foxboro company plc p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s revision e 57577
    foxboro company plc p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s revision e 57578
    foxboro company plc p0400dl rev c i/a series y-adapter module 2-s 58814
    foxboro company rev revision c p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-ss 57601
    foxboro consotrol 131m-n2 pneumatic indicating controller 3-15psi 0-8 rang 53446
    foxboro consotrol controller recorder 52a-sm4f
    foxboro consotrol roll chart 5 rolls 53229-t  in box
    foxboro control rod 359240
    foxboro conversion kit 40119yu
    foxboro cord term bwer p.o 81032 cg970 fox boro
    foxboro cover for nhs transmitter #1 acid cg925
    foxboro current air postioner model e69p-bi1-rs 0-35 psi 4-20 ma
    foxboro current converter 2a0-v31
    foxboro current to air converter e69f-t12-j
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-bh2-s
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-th3-s
    foxboro current to air converter model# e69f-th8-s
    foxboro d/p cell intelligent transmitter 863dp-m2d1ns-m
    foxboro d0105nx rotameter bubble tube indicator 0.2-30scfh gas 0.1-5gph 56064
    foxboro d127sr h4
    foxboro data recorder ? model 123 re
    foxboro diaphragm seal flange fox 83600 type ad cg911
    foxboro dm500sc i/a series terminal termination term assembly wire cable 46621
    foxboro do135py d0135py pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46544
    foxboro do143vt d0143vt pressure transmitter analog output module assembly 46546
    foxboro doorfaceplate 47986
    foxboro dp cell parts n999f
    foxboro dte-peripheral cable assy. 20 ft rev. b p0970xe
    foxboro dte-peripheral cable assy. 40 ft rev. c p0970wx
    foxboro e11gm electronic pressure transmitter 316ss 350psi 4-20ma 40769
    foxboro e13dm electronic transmitter
    foxboro e20s-h2fb6 consotrol electronic chart recorder drive 125v 23va 47266
    foxboro e69f-bi2-s current to air pressure converter i/p 4-20ma 3-15psi 53879
    foxboro e69f-ti2-rs current to air pressure converter i/p 4-20ma in 3-15psi out
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57858
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57859
    foxboro e69p magnetic flow transmitter enclosure only blue 57860
    foxboro e92-rfg2h p/i converter
    foxboro e94 temperature transmitter sensor platinum various pressure ranges
    foxboro eckardt transmitter ag type 51 bem 585
    foxboro electromagnetic signal converter part # n0138kr
    foxboro electronic transmitter model e11gm span 10-80 psi supply 13-50
    foxboro electronic transmitter model e13dm 65-100 vdc nom. mwp 2000 psi
    foxboro electronic transmitter model# e11gm
    foxboro electronic transmitter with sensor
    foxboro emf converter model 693ar-oa su volts 118 cps 60 watts 20
    foxboro f-100-za 4-way 2 position brass consotrol air valve assembly 1/4in 55275
    foxboro fbm 1 termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51830
    foxboro fbm 1015 dio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 120v ac 51832
    foxboro fbm 4 ai aio termination cable assembly fieldbus module 4-20ma 51826
    foxboro fbm 4/39/44 ai ao it ao termination cable assembly fieldbus module 51828
    foxboro fbm 6 pi ao termination cable assembly fieldbus module 51831
    foxboro flowmeter flow meter water hydraulic 1/4npt 5gph h2o h20 meter
    foxboro frequency to current converter model fr-316c-2 voltage 115 power 25v
    foxboro galvo motor mod# dol247y
    foxboro gauge 0-30
    foxboro gauge 3-15 psi
    foxboro gauge c1170
    foxboro gauge c1172
    foxboro i/a p0800da 10 ft fieldbus block cable p0800 da
    foxboro i/a p0800dg extension cable 3 ft p0800 dg
    foxboro i/a ser conversion kit f/ d-size module p0971ql
    foxboro i/a ser series p0400dl plc y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57579
    foxboro i/a ser series p0400dl plc y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57580
    foxboro ideal ansi4-150 ts87-f0105hd rev g pressure transmitter diaphragm 53873
    foxboro im2-12h telechron motor movement chart recorder drive 100v-130v 52426
    foxboro im2-24h telechron motor movement 130vac chart drive 24 hr 2w 40574
    foxboro im2-7d telechron motor movement chart recorder drive 100-125v ac 50167
    foxboro inbligent pressure transmitter 861gm-dd1-a 0-100% 4-20ma 0-250psi
    foxboro intelligent transmitter 821gm-dk1nm1-m ref 95312027
    foxboro intelligent transmitter model 821gm-ds1sh2-am ref 94511455
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev a y adapter module s plc 58407
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev a y adapter module s plc 58922
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev c y adapter module 2 s plc 58815
    foxboro invensys p0400dl rev c y adapter module s plc 58406
    foxboro invensys p0400ve rev. e i/a series fieldbus isolator module board 47220
    foxboro ip2275
    foxboro jordan la-2810 actuator
    foxboro l0119ru-9 board
    foxboro lan drop cable assy. 100 ft rev. d p0900jh
    foxboro liquid level transmitter 13r-hs31a5
    foxboro m 13fa liquid level transmitter 3-15psi stainless 4 bolt flanged 45939
    foxboro m/ iigm-bs2-rel pressure transmitter 200psi 350psi air pneumatic 51279
    foxboro m/11gm pressure transmitter
    foxboro m/11gm pressure transmitter
    foxboro m/40mr-rsm2f electronic servo element chart recorder / tester
    foxboro m/62h controller model 62h-4e-oj 118 volts 30 va un in box
    foxboro m/63r/oa-h alarm relay 5a115v vac 28v vdc 1a max style b type 1 29595
    foxboro m/63r-ob-i style b type 1 alarm relay unit 118v ac input 46475
    foxboro m0132pn chart drive 120v ac 24hr / rev 1 day 3w watt 4rph 55328
    foxboro m105aa single pen movement assembly for pressure controller 52556
    foxboro m105ab
    foxboro m121cr pen movement assembly 1 pen for pressure controller 52550
    foxboro m122ac 32301
    foxboro m130d2
    foxboro m-2800 magnetic flowtube
    foxboro m40g pneumatic output gauge relay 0-100 display 42408 42407
    foxboro m-411836e bo123hd pneumatic valve positioner pressure regulator 42382
    foxboro m4og auto manual close meter
    foxboro manual control unit model30m-n4 controller w/ cord fox 96000 cg908
    foxboro model 13a d/p cell pressure transmitter 0-200in h2o 1500psi proof 52450
    foxboro model 40 body part c110ax
    foxboro model 44 pneumatic transmitter diaphragm nozzle flapper assembly 46649
    foxboro model 57 g2 pneumatic edgewise indicator controller 3-15psi style 53450
    foxboro model 574 rotax liquid level controller 0-20ft water 115v 50129
    foxboro model 697 conductivity converter
    foxboro model 8121a electronic control current calibrator dc millamperes 46920
    foxboro model 8121c electronic control current calibrator dc millamperes 46921
    foxboro model p91v typ c vernier valvactor valve stem pneumatic positioner 44174
    foxboro model p91v typ c vernier valvactor valve stem pneumatic positioner 44174
    foxboro movement pulley wheel m125km
    foxboro multi-readout psi gauge
    foxboro multi-readout psi gauge nib
    foxboro mx pneumatic pressure transmitter 0-100psi range 3-15psi 47130
    foxboro mx45 pneumatic pressure transmitter controller 0-50 lbs per sq in 53490
    foxboro mx45 pneumatic transmitter 0-200in h2o range 3-15psi 47129
    foxboro mx45 pressure pneumatic transmitter temperature controller 0-400f 53491
    foxboro n0206ea no206ea 3 pen recording pen arm for m/64 chart recorder 46631
    foxboro n-10d4 manual control unit
    foxboro n137cr converter amplifier 10-50ma dc output electronic consotrol 49482
    foxboro n-142no
    foxboro no.id drip well drain cock blow out daily oftener steel 51432
    foxboro non-flowing reference electrode bo 158ly nib
    foxboro p/1 converter model 872-2 1/2
    foxboro p0400cf rev.d intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 51854
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series i/o y-adapter module 2-s rev revision c 57603
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57607
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57608
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter module 2-s rev.c 57675
    foxboro p0400dl i/a series y-adapter plc module 2-ss rev revision c 57604
    foxboro p0400gh / p0500cn i/a series  power bar for cell 57554
    foxboro p0400hh rev h fbm-1 terminal termination wire cable assembly 58818
    foxboro p0400hh terminal termination wire cable assembly 56128
    foxboro p0400sg cable assembly i/a series plc 55778
    foxboro p0400ve rev 0k fieldbus isolator module board plc 47229
    foxboro p0400vu wp20 workstation processor 20 module rev g 56108
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 100-240v 57555
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 2 100-240v ac 100ms 57556
    foxboro p0400za i/a series ipm2 ind. power module 2 100-240v ac 100ms 57557
    foxboro p0400za i/a series power module 2 100-240v ac 46765
    foxboro p0400za rev f i/a seriesi/a ind. power module 100-240v 58819
    foxboro p0400zf ind power module 8 125v i/a series rev d 53036
    foxboro p0500jx peripheral cable assembly connector 2ft i/a series rev e 47375
    foxboro p0500nx intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 58935
    foxboro p0500nx rev.d intermediate bus fieldbus power connector 51853
    foxboro p0500nz-g rev g po500nz fieldbus bus termination cable assembly 58933
    foxboro p0500ry rev n terminal termination discrete wire cable 58817
    foxboro p0500wp rev.d termination cable assembly fieldbus module fbm 51833
    foxboro p0600tw 50447-605 i/a series control board assembly 46453
    foxboro p0670vb-0b cable interconnect module 46549
    foxboro p0700fv rev b i/a series cell case fan 120mm top/bottom entry 57773
    foxboro p0700fv rev c i/a series cell case fan2120mm top/bottom entry 57772
    foxboro p0700fv rev.c fan assembly bottom entry/top 18v 29v dc papst 120mm 51855
    foxboro p0800da i/a series pio ftuc-z cable 57398
    foxboro p0800dc isolator cable terminal plug termination 57045
    foxboro p0903zl rev.a i/a series ind. power module 2 imp2 39v dc 1.7a 57597
    foxboro p0912ka i/a series 120v ac serial to parallel converter iii pi115a 46452
    foxboro p0912ke p003 mouse trak track ball 3 button 56082
    foxboro p0914zm-0c i/a series fcm identification open type process control 46560
    foxboro p0915fu b-fxsun mouse-trak track ball 3 button ps2 56112
    foxboro part # bo139su replacement bellows assemblies
    foxboro part # bo139xh replacement bellows assembly-
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 0-20psi indicating controller 46564
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 0-25psi indicating controller 46570
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 30-0-psi indicating controller 46756
    foxboro pb-ba / bm spiral pressure element 30-80psi indicating controller 46566
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-15psi for indicating 46574
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-18in h2o for controller 46757
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-20psi for indicating 46576
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-25psi for indicating 46573
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-30psi for indicating 46575
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-40psi for indicating contr 46577
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-50psi for indicating 46572
    foxboro pb-ba/bm spiral type pressure element 0-60psi for indicating 46583
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-10.7 psi for indicating 46593
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-15 ft h2o for indicating 46587
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-20ft h2o for indicating 46590
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-21 psi for indicating 46594
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 0-40in h2o for indicating 46589
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 3-15 psi for indicating 46591
    foxboro pb-ca/cc bellows type pressure element 3-15 psi for indicating 46592
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure 20in h2o for short wire connection 47326
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for long wire 47327
    foxboro pb-pd 2in diaphragm pressure element 35-59in w h20 54375
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure 0-20in h2o for controller with probe 47325
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for controller 47324
    foxboro pb-pf 3in diaphragm pressure element 0-20in h20 for controller 47324
    foxboro pc10 i.f.d. power supply modem d0157yn
    foxboro pc10 rs-232 rs 232 i.f.d. power supply modem d0157ye
    foxboro pen motor assembly model# c83r-91782
    foxboro percent gages/gauges
    foxboro ph/orp monitor model# 874ph-ai
    foxboro plc p0400dl i/a ser series y-adapter module 2-s revision rev e 57581
    foxboro pneumatic air filter element 150psi max 53422
    foxboro pneumatic controller 138sp-4
    foxboro pneumatic transducer 69ta-2r mrt-1023b 3-15 psi
    foxboro pneumatic valve block lexg-j  of 8
    foxboro power cable p0177hb  of 2
    foxboro pressure gauges model m
    foxboro pressure transmitter idp10-a22028tf
    foxboro pressure transmitter model 11gm-as2
    foxboro proportional band controller 5649 56-4-9
    foxboro proportional band controller 58p4fwva
    foxboro proportional band controller 58p5
    foxboro proportional unit cu119fy  of 3
    foxboro q0104ay temperature compensator nib
    foxboro receiving bellows u1197c
    foxboro regulator c112am
    foxboro regulator model# c0140pe
    foxboro remote counter timer 40 counts/min 48 teeth change gear 60059
    foxboro remote preamp pn ps290aa
    foxboro reset bellows unit co124en
    foxboro rev d kit 60130ll
    foxboro rubber diaphragm 7
    foxboro safety gauge nib
    foxboro seal valve for model 58p4  control controller cg926
    foxboro serial no 2300230
    foxboro serial no 2300231
    foxboro siebe fbm 10/15 terminal plug dm900za rev c
    foxboro siebe fbm 4/39/44 terminal plug p0500ry rev n
    foxboro siebe fbm 8/13 terminal plug dm700dr rev c
    foxboro siebe iso terminal plug p0800dc rev m p0800 dc
    foxboro signal processing module card holder model 2ap
    foxboro spec 200 e20s-h2rb6 chart recorder drive
    foxboro spec 200 indicator 210s-1 st c
    foxboro spec 200 indicator 210s-2 dio
    foxboro spec 230 sf control station
    foxboro spec 235 sz manual station
    foxboro sun p0970kt-a 411 magnetic streaming tape drive 150mb 56127
    foxboro sun p0971br-0a 411 tape drive 5gb enclosure mount 56106
    foxboro supply and output psi regulator dial
    foxboro telechron im2-4h motor movement 4hr hour 100-130v 2 watt 5461262 52425
    foxboro telechron motor movement im9ff-1d
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14bbs-003
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-006
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-008
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-009
    foxboro temperature probe pr-14ubs-009
    foxboro temperature sensor model# pr-14ubs-003
    foxboro temperature transmitter model 893ta-jcusn000-ck origin 2b9346
    foxboro thermowell 12 w-pft-a26-1.5-150ff-c276
    foxboro transmitter 92100 fox boro umhe7 cg962
    foxboro transmitter mdl 821gm-dsish2-am origin 2a9451 rng 600 psig12.5-42vdc
    foxboro type a relay # l100bw
    foxboro u0123bc bellows assembly nib
    foxboro u101ab
    foxboro uo119bk
    foxboro valve stem and plunger
    foxboro vent plug d0161qt  of 12
    foxboro vortex flow meter e03w03sss1
    foxboro wheel assemblies
    foxboro wheel turbine asy fox 99500 cg915
    foxboro /synchron 7 day chart drive 110v ac 1rph 52431
    foxboro /telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 1 day 120v 52429
    foxboro /telechron im9ff-1d motor movement chart recorder drive 100-125v ac 52428
    foxboro foxoboro #e69f-t12-j current to air converter
    foxboro foxobro temperature transmitter mdl e93-b origin 2d8243 j/68  in plastic

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